21 July 2010. Concert by the Giuseppe Tartini Chamber Orchestra conducted by Antonio Cipriani. Music by Piazzolla and Bacalov (21.00). Repeated 28, 29 July, 1, 4, 8 Aug.
30 June-31 July 2010. Organised by the pianist Teresa Azzarro, this festival takes classical music and its protagonists from their traditional venues and into real life.
It is held in the popular gardens of Villa Pam...
4 June-3 Oct 2010. The Festival Musicale delle Nazioni is back with a recital or a concert every evening in its beautiful setting in the Roman Teatro Marcello. Many of the events on the programme come to life with the co...
16-19 July 2010. Organised by the Associazione Internazionale Amici della Musica Sacra, this mini-festival features choirs from Brazil, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russia and Turkey. Concerts take place in Piazza Navona and...
29 June 2010. Concert by the St Mary Concert Choir from the United States. Sacred music programme (21.00).
30 June. Concert by the Catholic Central High School Choir from the United States. Sacred music programme (21.00...
1 July 2010. For the FestiVAl di Villa Adriana, concert conducted by Carlo Rizzari, with Filippo Timi actor. Music by Prokofiev (Peter and the Wolf) and Beethoven (21.00). This event takes place at Villa Adriana in Tivol...
13-17 June 2010. The one-week festival directed by Robert McDuffie presents five distinct programmes on consecutive evenings. The initiative is designed to nurture the next generation of talented artists and to do this i...
28 May 2010. Flute and piano recital by Mario Carbotta and Carlo Balzaretti. Music by Viotti, Donizetti, Briccialdi, Rota, Borne (18.30). 4 June. Piano recital by Paolo Vairo. Music by Schumann (18.30). 11 June. Recital...
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