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1-12 June 2010. This music festival dedicated to baroque chamber music celebrates both the beauty of the genre and some of the wonderful French architectural patrimony in Rome. It is organised by the French Cultural Cent...
28 May 2010. Lyrical concert. Excepts and arias from well known operas (20.30). Repeated 29, 1, 4,15, 8 June (20.30).
6 Nations 2025
28 May 2010. Recital by the Duo composed by Giovanni Sorana piano, and Elettra Scalpelli soprano. Music by Debussy, Strauss, Mahler, Petrassi, Casella, Pizzetti, Pradella (19.00).
29 May 2010. Concert by the Sacred Heart Church Choir from the United States. Sacred Music programme (21.00).
30 May 2010. End of season concert conducted by Francesco La Vecchia and with the Nuovo Coro Lirico Sinfonico Romano directed by Stefano Cucci. Carl Orff
Mark Hanna Band Live - Italy's best Rock and Roll Party Band. Don't miss it! Reservations: 3388230154.
May 27th -7.00 pm. Special guest ALEX INFASCELLI. Live set, sensual food and a charity actions!
16 June 2010 h. 21,00 Orchestra Tartini Concert with music by Piazzolla & Bacalov Info: orchestratartini@yahoo.com 339.6541119 XX
Sun. 23 May h. 18,30 Nova Amadeus Orchestra Borodin Danze Polovesiane Mendelssohn Hymne Hor Mein Bitten Schubert Sym. N. 8 Info: 339.6541119 novaamadeus@yahoo.com
Thurs.27 May h. 20,30 Nova Amadeus Orchestra music by J. Williams - S. Cipriani - E. Morricone Info: 339.6541119 novaamadeus@yahoo.com
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Smiling tech H3 - 320x480
Sun. 6 June h. 18,30 Nova Amadeus Orchestra Mendelssohn-Conc.in E min. Beethoven Sym.N.7 Info: 339.6541119 novaamadeus@yahoo.com
23 June 2010 h. 21,00 Orchestra Tartini Concert with music by Piazzolla & Bacalov Info: orchestratartini@yahoo.com 339.6541119 XX
2 June 2010 h. 21,00 Orchestra Tartini Concert with music by Piazzolla & Bacalov Info: orchestratartini@yahoo.com 339.6541119
9 June 2010 h. 21,00 Orchestra Tartini Concert with music by Piazzolla & Bacalov Info: orchestratartini@yahoo.com 339.6541119 XX
13 May 2010. Concert by the Orchestra Sinfonia Varsovia conducted by Herv
14 May 2010. Piano recital by Michele Campanella. Music by Liszt (20.30). 15 May. Concert with Christian Zacharias conductor and piano. Music by Haydn, Mozart, Bruckner (18.00). Repeated 17 May (21.00), 18 May (19.30)....
Recital di MARIE-ANGE LEURENT, organo - ingresso gratuito
Recital di HAMPUS LINDWALL, organo - ingresso gratuito
recital di OLIVIER VERNET, organo - ingresso gratuito
Recital di Daniel Matrone - musiche di: Vierne, Saint-Saens, Reger, Matrone
6 Nations 25