27 April. Musica per Roma. In Trouble and Adversity: for the cycle of contemporary music events entitled Contemporanea, concert by the Ensemble Algoritmo conducted by Marco Angius with Emanuela Galli soprano and the vio...
29 April-13 May 2010.
29 April. Violin and piano recital by Domenico Nordio and Mikhail Lidsky. Music by Tartini, Kreisler, Szymanowsky, Dallapiccola, Paganini, Vivaldi/Respighi (21.00).
6 May. Chamber music concert by...
2-14 May 2010
2 May. Concert conducted by Tugan Sokhiev, with Fazil Say piano. Music by Tchaikowsky and Shostakovich (18.00). Repeated 3 May (21.00), 4 May (19.30).
7 May. Recital by Ian Bostridge tenor and Antonio Pap...
30 April 2010 Piano recital by Gianluca Di Donato. Music by Schumann, Chopin, Brahms, Wagner/Liszt (18.30).
7 May. Recital by Sigridur O. Kristjansdottir mezzosoprano, and Michelangelo Carbonara piano. Music by Grieg,...
6 May 2010. End-of-season concert by the Orchestra Tartini, with Luis Bacalov conductor and piano. Music by Bacalov, Gardel, Morricone, Viloldo, Piazzolla (21.00).
30 April 2010. Concert with Marco Braito trumpet. Music by Mascagni, Arutunian, Schubert (17.30). Repeated 2 May (20.30).
9 May. Concert conducted by Francesco La Vecchia, with Xu Zhong piano. Music by Beethoven (17.30)...
Sun. 23 May h. 18,30
Nova Amadeus Orchestra
Borodin Danze Polovesiane
Mendelssohn Hymne Hor Mein Bitten
Schubert Sym. N. 8
Info: 339.6541119
Saturday 24 April, at 6 p.m.
Music by Frescobaldi, Castello, Marini, Bach.
Laura Pontecorvo, flauto
Adriano Ancarani, violoncello
Evangelina Mascardi, teorba
8 April 2010. For the cycle of events entitled Contemporanea, a concert featuring contemporary guitar with sound direction by the pioneer of minimalist music Steve Reich (21.00). Reich is one of America
10 April 2010. Chamber music concert by Alessandro Palmeri cello, Luca Marconato theorbo, and Salvatore Carchiolo harpsichord. Music by Scarlatti (18.00).
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