8 Dec-6 Jan 2010. Rome city council is offering a programme of music, theatre, dance, exhibitions and other events over the Christmas period. Music events to look out for include Natalis in Urbe, organised by the Rome di...
23 Dec-6 Jan 2010
23 Dec. Christmas concert by the Ensemble Elemento Variabile conducted by Massimo Munari. Music by Pachelbel, Morricone, Wades and others (18.00). Repeated 26 Dec (18.00).
26 Dec. Sar
14 Jan 2010. Chamber music concert by Andrea Oliva flute, Simonide Braconi viola and Emanuele Segre guitar. Music by Beethoven, Diabelli, Matiegka (21.00).
23 Dec-16 Jan 2010
23 Dec. Christmas concert by the choir of the Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia directed by Renato Balsadonna. Traditional Christmas music programme (20.30).
6 Jan 2010.. Family concert by the...
12 Jan 2010. Concert by the National Ukraine Symphony Orchestra of Kiev conducted by Vladimir Sirenko, with Giuseppe Albanese piano. Music by Rachmaninov and Schubert (20.30).
16 Jan. Contemporary music concert by the...
16 Dec 2009. Concert by the Orchestra Roma Sinfonietta and the Nuovo Coro Lirico Sinfonico Romano conducted by Andrea Morricone, with Cinzia Forte soprano. Music by Ennio Morricone, Andrea Morricone, Ada Gentile. The con...
11 & 18 Dec 2009.
11 Dec. Piano recital by Sebastiano Brusco. Music by Mozart, Schubert, Rota (18.30). 18 Dec. Violin and piano recital by Lorenzo Parisi and Giuseppe Maiorca. Music by Schumann and Grieg (18.30).
12 & 19 Dec 2009.
12 Dec. Chamber music concert by the Ensemble Affectus Exprimere with Francesca Vicari conductor and violin, and with Massimiliano Floridi recitative. Haydn
10 Dec & 20 Dec 2009.
10 Dec. Chamber music concert by I Filarmonici di Roma, with Uto Ughi conductor and violin. Music by Haydn and Paganini (21.00). 20 Dec. Christmas concert by pupils of the Accademia Filarmonica Rom...
13-21 Dec 2009. 13 Dec. Concert conducted by Francesco La Vecchia. Music by Beethoven (17.30). Repeated 14 Dec (20.30). 20 Dec. Concert conducted by Francesco La Vecchia, with Anita Selvaggio, soprano. Music by Beethoven...
13 Dec 2009. The last event of the contemporary music festival. It features the winners of the 2009 International Germi Competition for Composition, who perform music by the Disecheis Duo, Ada Gentile and Davide Anzaghi...
Concerts on the 12 & 15 Dec 2009.
12 Dec. Piano recital by Till Felner. Music by Beethoven (17.30). 15 Dec. Maledictions and Prayers: vocalist and pianist Diamanda Galas in concert (20.30).
Concerts on the 10 & 17 Dec 2009.
10 Dec. Concert by the Tartini Orchestra, with Antonio Cipriani conductor and violin. Music by Piazzolla, Bacalov, Aguiar (21.00). 17 Dec. Recital by Carmela Remigio soprano and Leone...
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Guides certified by the Italian Cycling Federation (FCI) organize excursions to MTB in Rome but also outside Rome and in the neighboring regions. Bike Better Tours Asd.