Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Marymount - International School Rome
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9 May 2009. Piano recital by Fazil Say. Music by Bach, Busoni, Liszt, Mussorgsky (17.30).
10 May 2009. Chamber music concert by the Bernini Quartet. Music by Mozart (21.00).
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3 May 2009. Concert conducted by Antonio Pappano, with Erwin Schrott bass. Music by Beethoven, Verdi, Boito (18.00). Repeated 4 May (21.00), 5 May (19.30). See Opera Notes. 6 May 2009. Piano recital by Grigory Sokolov....
15 May 2009. Exotica: in collaboration with the Istituzione Universitaria dei Concerti for the cycle of events entitled Contemporanea, the Gnawa Issawa Brotherhood of Casablanca and the Parco della Musica Contemporanea E...
10 May 2009. Chamber music concert by the Krama Ensemble.
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19 April 2009.Teatro Ghione. Organised by the Polish Institute in collaboration with the International Piano Academy, piano recital by Alessandra Ammara. Music by Szymanowska, Chopin, Debussy and others (20.30).
19 April. A.GI.MUS. Chamber music concert by Claudia Giordano soprano, Saria Convertino bayan and Piera Pistono piano. Music by Villa Lobos, Boellman, Precz, Tosti (18.00).
18 April 2009. Chamber music concert by Le Concert des Nations, with Jordi Savall conductor and vioinl. Music by Lully, Couperin, Charpentier and others (17.30). 21 April.Istituzione Universitaria dei Concerti. Chamber...
16 April 2009. Oratorio del Gonfalone. Chamber music concert by the Quartetto Fon
Taco 1920 x 190
Taco 1920 x 190
Taco 1920 x 190
Temple ASAP
19 April 2009. Accademia Filarmonica Romana. The Ensemble Nuovo Contrappunto conducted by Mario Ancillotti performs Monteverdi/Berio
17 April. Concerti nella Sagrestia del Borromini. Clarinet and piano recital by Giuseppe Magliocca and Ada Bracchi. Music by Schumann, Mendelssohn, Rossini and Brahms (18.30). 24 April. Concerti nella Sagrestia del Bo...
19 April. Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma. Concert conducted by Edward Cumming. Music by Mendelssohn, Bartok, Haydn (17.30). Repeated 20 April (20.30). 26 April.Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma. Concert conducted by Francesco La...
16 April. Chamber music concert by La Risonanza conducted by Fabio Bonizzoni, with Maria Grazia Schiavo and Gabriele Hierdeis sopranos, Makoto Sakurada tenor, Gabriella Martellacci contralto and Sergio Foresti bass. Hand...
Bach's St. John Passion with the New Chamber Singers and John Cabot Orchestra.
3 April. Cello and piano duo by Angelo and Francesco Pepicelli. Music by Beethoven, Debussy, Handel, Faur
4 April. Recital by the Alviti-Papotto guitar and clarinet duet. Music by Piazzolla, Alviti, Galliano (18.30).
5 April. Chamber music concert by the Quaretto di Cremona. Music by Haydn (12.00).
7 April. Piano recital by Gabriele Carcano. Music by Scriabin, Liszt, Debussy (20.30).
3 April. Chamber music concert by soloists of the Orchestra dell
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