Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
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31 Jan 2009. Concert conducted by Yuri Temirkanov with Julia Fischer violin. Music by Tchaikovsky and Prokofiev (18.00). Repeated 2 Feb (21.00), 3 Feb (19.30).
31 Jan 2009. Piano recital by Eugeni Bozhanov, winner of the 2008 Casagrande Competition. Music by Scarlatti, Beethoven, Chopin, Shostakovic (17.30).
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Thurs 22 Jan. Contemporanea (Musica per Roma) together with the American Academy present a celebratory concert in honour of electricical music pioneer, Alvin Curran's 70th year. The concert features Alvin Curran himself...
23 Jan 2009. Chamber music concert by the Hagen Quartett. Music by Haydn, Bartok, Mendelssohn (20.30).
23 Jan 2009. Piano recital by Giorgio Costa. Music by Schubert (18.30).
Choir Romani Cantores with orchestra perform music by Rossini, Puccini, Mercadante on 11, 13 and 14 december at 9 pm
13 Dec 2008. Christmas Concert by the Zampogna Power Duo. Traditional music from Calabria (18.30).
14 Dec 2008. Family Concert conducted by Kent Nagano. Music by Beethoven (12.00).
14 Dec 2008. Christmas concert in collaboration with the Scuola Popolare di Musica di Testaccio directed by Teresa Azzaro (11.00).
10 Dec 2008. Recital by Giorgia Milanesi soprano, and Alessandro Stella piano. Music by Giacinto Scelsi (20.30).
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10 Dec 200. For the cycle entitled It
16 Dec 2008. Bringing people and nations together: concert by the Harlem Gospel Choir conducted by Allen Bailey. Programme of traditional Gospel music (20.30).
19 Dec 2008. Concert by the Choir of the Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia conducted by Filippo Maria Bressan, with Giuseppe Andaloro piano. Music by Schumann (20.30).
11 Dec 2008. In collaboration with the Festival Nuova Consonanza a portrait of the composer Alessandro Sbordoni with the Bernini Quartet, the Progetto AleaNova, Antonio Sardi De Letto piano, Guido Arbonelli clarinet and...
19 Dec 2008. Violin and piano duo by Hlif Sigurjonsdottir and Sebastiano Brusco. Music by Bach, Frank, Tomasson (18.00).
11 Dec 2008. Concert by the Orchestra da Camera Italiana with Salvatore Accardo violin and conductor. Vivaldi
20 Dec 2008. Concert conducted by Antonio Pappano, with Leonidas Kavakos violin. Music by Sibelius, Ponchielli, Lehar, Ravel (18.00). Repeated 21 Dec (18.00), 22 Dec (21.00).
20 Dec 2008. Christmas concert by the Accademia Europea di Musica di Erba conducted by Carlo Goldstein. Music by Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, De Falla, Mascagni, Strauss (20.30).
12 Dec 2008. Christmas Carols by the Choir of King
20 Dec 2008. Viola and harpsichord recital by Luca Sanz
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