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30 Nov 2008. The Roma Sinfonietta conducted by Francesco Lanzillotta and with Luigi Maio actor, performs Stravinksy
11 Dec 2008. Concert by the Orchestra da Camera Italiana with Salvatore Accardo violin and conductor. Vivaldi
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1 Dec 2008. Family Concert conducted by Carlo Rizzari. Carl Orff
LIGHT OF DAY BENEFIT Rock folk acoustic concert featuring:Willie Nile,JesseMalin, Marah.Joe D'Urso. Special guest:EDOARDO BENNATO
For the cycle of contemporary music concerts entitled Convergenze, concert by the Ensemble Modern conducted by Franck Ollu. Music by Herrmann, Winkler, Battistelli, Henze (20.30).
For the cycle of events entitled Contemporanea, Aeolian Harps al giardino del lago: installation and concert by Mario Bertoncini. Music by Bertoncini and electronic elaborations by Carlo Laurenzi (21.00).
Chamber music concert by the Brunello Baroque Experience with Mario Brunello conductor and cello, Roberto Loreggian harpsichord and organ, Francesco Galligioni cello, Ivano Zanenchgi archlute and theorbo, and Evangelina...
Concert conducted by Donald Runnicles with Radu Lupu piano. Music by Beethoven, Bartok, R. Strauss (18.00). Repeated 8 Dec (21.00), 9 Dec (19.30).
12 Nov 2008. Musique la cour: Chamber music concert by the Ensemble Harmonia Musicae with Giuseppe Schinaia and Vittorio de Martino harpsichord, and with Giorgio Carducci voice. Music and texts by Francois Couperin (21.0...
25 Nov 2008. Chamber music concert by the ensemble I Fagiolini. Music by Monteverdi and Castello (20.30).
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23 Nov 2008Concert by the Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma. Name of conductor unavailable at press time. Music by Casella and Dvorak (17.30). Repeated 24 Nov 2008 (20.30).
23 Nov 2008. Recital by Matthias Goerne baritone, and Alexander Schmalcz piano. Music by Schubert (17.30).
23 Nov 2008. Piano recital by Alessandra Ammara. Music by Chopin (12.00).
22 Nov 2008. Charity tribute concert dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Beatles
23 Nov 2008. Family Concert by the JuniOrchestra. Music by Mozart (12.00).
22 Nov 2008. Concert conducted by Tugan Sokhiev with Enrico Dindo cello. Music by Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikowsky, Prokofiev (18.00). Repeated 24 Nov (21.00), 25 Nov (19.30).
21 Nov 2008. Chamber music concert by the ensemble La Risonanza conducted by Fabio Bonizzoni. With Roberta Invernizzi and Yetzabel Arias Fernandez sopranos and Romina Basso contralto. Music by Handel (20.30).
on stage:Sara Rados,honeybird & the birdies,Insula Dulcamara
20 Nov 2008. Chamber music concert by the Modo Antiquo ensemble conducted by Federico Maria Sardelli, with Marianne Beate Kielland, Guillemette Laurens, Emanuela Galli, Silvia Vajente, Gabriella Martellacci and the Schol...
New Chamber Singers concert Sunday December 9th at 20.30 Tchaikovsky, Poulenc and others
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia