Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Acorn P H1 - 700 x 180

Musica Per Roma

3 March 2010. Telephones and Birds: part of the ongoing Fluxus Project. An event dedicated to John Cage with Alvin Curran, Daniele Lombardi and Marcello Panni on electric keyboards, and with the Parco della Musica Contemporanea Ensemble and the participation of Achille Bonito Oliva (21.00).

General Info

Address Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin 30, tel. 0680241281.

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Musica Per Roma

Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin 30, tel. 0680241281.

Marymount - International School Rome
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Temple ASAP
AUR 1400x360