Opera ai Fori.
Dall'opera alla canzone napoletana. 11 and 15 July 2003. Excerpts from Neapolitan music and some of the most famous operas: Traviata, Tosca, Don Giovanni and others. With Ornella Pratesi soprano, Cristiana Fogli mezzo soprano and Giovanni Mazzei baritone, and the Geminiani di Follonica orchestra conducted by Pierclaudio Fei. Trajan's Markets, entrance Via IV Novembre, 21.00. Concerti di Gala. 25 and 26 July 2003. Arias and duets from the most famous 19th-century operas. With the Orchestra Sinfonica di Grosseto conducted by Lorenzo Castriota Skanderberg, presented by Vittorio Sgarbi. Trajan's Markets, entrance Trajan's column, 21.00. Part of the summer programme Estate ai Fori 2003.
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Opera ai Fori.
For information and booking tel. 339/8350247, e-mail: operaifori@libero.it.
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