Orchestra Sinfonica Giovanile di Roma.
Concert conducted by Francesco La Vecchia, with Oxana Yablonskaya piano. Music by Martucci, Beethoven, Schubert (11.30).
Accademia Romana d’Organo Csar Franck. Organ recital by Daniel Pandolfo. Music by Gigout, Saint-Saens, Schubert and others (18.30).
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Concert conducted by Fabio Luisi, with Dagmar Peckova mezzosoprano. Music by Wagner and Brahms (18.30). Repeated 17 March (21.00), 18 March (19.30).
Orchestra di Roma e del Lazio. Concert conducted by Lu Jia. Music by Mozart, Chiti, Prokofiev (18.00).
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Orchestra Sinfonica Giovanile di Roma.
Orchestra Sinfonica Giovanile di Roma. Concerts at Teatro Argentina, Largo di Torre Argentina, tel. 0668804601/2.
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