The department of history and humanities at Rome's John Cabot University presents “The Italian-Russian Connection: Catherine the Great’s Reception of Italian Composers, Writers, and Architects at Her Court&rd...
The Museo di Roma in Trastevere pays homage to Diamond, the Roman street artist who has gained fame in Rome as well as internationally since his career began in the early 1990s. The exhibition "A ruina resurrexit" featur...
English rock singer and bassist Glenn Hughes returns to Rome where he will perform at Crossroads Live Club on 30 May at 22.00.
Best known for appearing in the 1970's incarnation of Deep Purple, as well as briefly fron...
Rachel Libeskind's exhibition titled "Rich, White Men" features a selection of five oil paintings on paper in which the young American artist tackles themes such as corruption, wealth, patrimony, and cultural status. Cur...
At 19.30:
We're offering an Aperitivo in the Cineclub Detour with the chance to socialize and network while mingling with an international crowd.
At 21.00:
there will be a screening of 'Il sorpasso', labeled as...
18-25 June. Conductor Bruno Campanella, director Ruggero Cappuccio. With Nicola Alaimo, Mario Cassi, Joel Prieto, Eleonora. A new production. Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, Piazza Beniamino Gigli 7, tel. 064817003, www...
The 55th Venice Biennale takes place at the historic Giardini and Arsenale as well as at various venues throughout the city.
This year's event is curated by Massimiliano Gioni and is titled The Encyclopedic Palace, in...
The Keats-Shelley House in Rome presents an afternoon of poems read by poets Joshua Weiner and Karl Kirchwey on Saturday 25 May at 16.00.
Advance booking is not essential though numbers will be limited. Entrance is in...
Two main events are happening this week in Rome: rain and elections for the mayor. We are undecided about what to wear every day (umbrella and sunglasses) and who’s gonna be the best mayor for the eternal city. Mos...
Our readers what's on:
“Please Be Quiet” is the third and final group exhibition for 2012-13 of the BSR Fine Arts programme, directed by Jacopo Benci. The exhibition – supported in part by the Edwin...
Our readers what's on:
Take part to Dance in Italy and the contest for admission to New York Winter Festival! Igea Marina-Bellaria (Italy), July 1st-14th 2013 If you want more info, ask to
The Keats-Shelley museum presents "Lift me up for I am dying", a poetic performance of Keats' last weeks in Rome, by Pele Cox, former poet in residence at the Royal Academy, London. With Christian Roe as Shelle...
Sterling Ruby: Soft Work and CHRON II
The Fondazione Memmo and MACRO celebrate the work of German-born American artist Sterling Ruby with two parallel exhibitions.
22 May-15 Sept. MACRO Testaccio hosts Soft W...
In collaboration with Conservatory of S. Cecilia, the contemporary music branch of the active Musica per Roma Foundation presents a series of events that not only celebrate and showcase contemporary music, but provide an...
Currently music director of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden and the Orchestra of the Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia, Antonio Pappano was born in London of Italian parents. A scintillating career and a host of pre...
A top-class festival that seems to be surviving the dire austerity measures. The festival, under the patronage of star conductor Riccardo Muti who has his home in Ravenna, confirms last year’s successful formula th...
Living in the World - Transmission and Practices is the title of the three-year programme of new director Virgilio Sieni. The International Festival of Contemporary Dance of the Venice Biennale o...
This French-Italian festival dedicated to jazz and improvised music, offers a brief but intense programme of top quality concerts. Founded in 1998 by Paolo Damiani, musician and former director of the Orchestre National...
Thanks mainly to this initiative sponsored by the National Post Office Institution, in the past couple of years Rome has offered an increasingly international stage for rock fans. A very successful edition last year with...
Beautiful house located in a quiet and safe neighborhood, just around the corner from the National Archeological Museum of Palestrina. Facing South, this home offers breathtaking v...
Shiatsu Namikoshi massage at your home/office/hotel. Massage performed by professional masseur (man) with 7 years of experience. Call me at this number: 333 93 52 666 to take an ap...
Guides certified by the Italian Cycling Federation (FCI) organize excursions to MTB in Rome but also outside Rome and in the neighboring regions. Bike Better Tours Asd.