Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
RCI 700 x 180
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Come enjoy great food and wine, make new friends amongst an international and friendly crowd. Socialise, chill or party in the picturesque setting of TIBER ISLAND and taste delicious crush cocktails.
Seven international documentaries for new perspectives in gender identity. Discussion with directors and producers, audience will vote the best film.
Taco 724 x 450
Until September the Rome Cavalieri, Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts will open its beautiful six-hectare park for a series of summer concerts. For the second season the distinguished international singers Diego Mreno,...
1 April-18 Sept, 2011. The exhibition highlights the many faces of the cruel Roman Emperor Nero, who according to legend, set fire to Rome and had his mother and stepbrother killed, amongst other atrocities. Through docu...
Seminar with Betty Jones and Fritz Ludin September 1-10 Contest on the US Embassy Facebook page August 24th at 1:00
Open April-November. Situated 70 km south-east of Rome near Sermoneta at the foot of the Lepini mountains, the town of Ninfa is home to one of Italy
29 April-30 Nov 2011. The famous Cinecitt
20 July-9 Oct 2011. An installation by Chiara Castri inspired by an Assyrian relief of the seventh century BC from the Palace of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh. The spirit of the time and place, that evokes memories of fairy ta...
1-15 Sept 2011. This is the 11th edition of the festival dedicated to contemporary dance and performing arts in urban environments. Organised by the Associazione Culturale Danza Urbana, it unfolds in non-theatrical ven...
21 June-11 Sept 2011. This varied festival has changed hands and has new directors Enzo Aronica, Riccardo Barbera and Roberto Della Casa. As always, the programme features a mix of events in which theatre and drama stand...
Acorn P H3 - 1920 x 190
Acorn P H3 - 1920 x 190
Acorn P H3 - 1920 x 190
Smiling tech H3 - 320x480
2 July-10 Aug 2011. The programme of the Teatro dell
Throughout August Villa Celimontana organises Circus, an annual festival, which foresees a rich programme of theatrical and musical live shows. 3 Aug. Jazz Noir, an uncanny spectacle, which mixes jazz music and literatu...
1 July-12 Aug 2011. Rome
10-23 Aug 2011. This unique festival is entirely devoted to Gioacchino Rossini. It takes place in the town of his birth and aims to revive, perform and study the musical heritage connected with the composer. Rossini...
5-24 Aug 2011. At the heart of the little town of Taormina on the top of a hill overlooking the Mediterranean is a beautiful Greek theatre built in the 3rd century BC. Each year it comes to life during the summer mon...
24 June-28 Aug 2011. New York
Until 31 August 2011. An exhibition of the philosophical writings of Neapolitan jurist and philosopher Gaetano Filangieri (1752
23 Aug-4 Sept 2011. To promote the rich artistic and cultural patrimony of the Upper Tiber valley, the festival focuses each year on a different guest country, and this year the spotlight is on Italy. There is also a...
2-4 Sept 2011. This international festival of avant-garde music, theatre, visual and performing arts provides a stage for the languages of artistic communication in the digital era on the theme
20 July-4 Sept 2011. The exhibition illustrates a project launched by Piero Gabanelli back in 1981 of a theatre workshop for the social integration of disabled boys and girls. The workshop for young people, with and with...
Acorn High H5 bis 1400 x 360