19-28 May 2011. This drama festival provides a platform for experimental theatre and its many idioms. Organisers take the events out of the theatre and into alternative venues like squares, schools, caf
1 June 2011. In Far, choreography by Wayne McGregor.
The critically acclaimed British choreographer has been described as the most representative artist of the decade, and the ten incredibly talented dancers that make...
20 May-1 June 2011. Conducted by Antonino Fogliari, directed by John Doyle, with Simone Piazzola, Ekaterina Sadovnikova, Tomislav Muzek, Emanuele Giannino.
6 May-4 June 2011. The former thermoelectric power plant turned museum, with its impressive display of ancient marble statues on show side by side with old diesel engines, steam turbines and other odd bits and pieces, is...
1-5 June In Swan Lake, choreography by Paul Chalmer. This is a new production for Maggiodanza by the Canadian choreographer who created a Swan Lake for the Leipzig Ballet in 2005.
2-5 June 2011. This event is described as a celebration of Tuscan winemaking excellence. It brings together some of the top winemakers from the region who promise to not only promote, but also share and
Friday 27 May
aperitivo + English cabaret + live music
Monday 30 May & 6 June
informal and fun lessons for beginners
Tuesday 31 May & 7 June
The friendliest way to impr...
Auditorium Parco della Musica, Viale P. de Coubertin. 28 May. Concert conducted by Constantinos Carydis, with Alexander Toradze piano. Music by Borodin, Shostakovich, Tchaikovsky (18.00). Repeated 30 May (21.00), 31 May...
19 May-9 June 2011. Conducted by Stefano Ranzani, directed by Giacomo Sagripanti, with Hui He, Elena Cassian, Sara Cappellini Maggiore, Massimiliano Pisapia.
The British Embassy wishes to apologise for an error which occurred in the Royal Wedding article published in the Wanted in Rome edition of 13 April. The article stated that the Royal Couple were to be married at Westmin...
This 10-day summer institute and professional development course focuses on lessons learned, future directions, and advanced conversations on health and risk communication related...
International Acadamy Lab Rome is seeking freelance, mothertongue English teachers for Adult in Person and online lessons. Information or interest: Send CV to info@ialroma.com
Seeking teachers with at least one year of classroom experience preparing students for the following IGCSE Maths
Candidates would ideally have a degree and/or A-levels in the rele...