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Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
Marymount - International School Rome
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Piano recital by Enrico Camerini. Music by Beethoven (17.00).
Concert conducted by Antonio Pappano, with Han-Na Chang cello. Music by Tchaikowsky and Lalo (18.00). Repeated 5 Dec (21.00), 6 Dec (19.30).
RCC -  724x450
Piano recital by Kun Woo Paik. Music by Sorabji, Debussy, Takemitsu, Debussy, Skriabin (17.30).
IMusici Veneziani S. Paolo Entro Le Mura Via Nazionale n.16a present Enchanting Opera Arias on 22-25-29 november. Tel 064826296
In celebration of the 250th anniversary of the birth of Mozart, concert conducted by Francesco La Vecchia, with Anita Selvaggio soprano, Emanuela Deffai mezzosoprano, Carlo Putelli tenor, Riccardo Zanellato bass, and wit...
3, 4 Dec 2005. In Isadora.orb, choreography by A. Jabor. The full title of this work is Isadora.Orb, The Final Metaphor. It is based on a thesis by Brazilian designer Ricky Seabra in which he designed a module for the ar...
3, 10, 18 Dec 2005. Presented by the Associazione Aulico Opera&Musica.
3 Dec-19 Feb 2005. Photographs taken by Tazio Secchiaroli in 1969 during auditions and rehearsals for Federico Fellinis unfinished film Il viaggio di G. Mastorna detto Fernet. The show also includes ten watercolour paint...
2-5 Nov 2005. In On dane, choreography by Jos Montalvo and Dominique Hervieu. For Romaeuropa Festival, this latest creation by the Montalvo-Hervieu company is probably the most spectacular, colourful and joyeux so far co...
2, 3 Dec 2005. In Big in Bombay, choreography by C. Macras. In her new project, choreographer and dancer Constanza Macras deals with issues of cultural context and identity. Born in 1970 in Buenos Aires, Macras is now ba...
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
AUR Summer 24 - 320 x 480
Chamber music concert by the Philharmonia Quartet of Berlin. This is the first of a series of concerts in which all of Beethovens Quartets will be performed (21.00).
Democrats meet, Tuesday, Nov.22, 17:00, to tour Walker Evans photo exhibit with American historian, Paul Haskell. Donation E20.
The United Nations Womens Guild 30th annual international bazaar is on Fri 25 Nov and will feature food, crafts and a raffle. Last year the event raised 32,360. Proceeds this year will go to projects in 17 countries in...
El Gringo - Lungomare G. Caboto 624/A Gaeta Tel. (0771) 464363 elgringo@email.com
The phenomenon of near-death experience will be explored during a talk to the Professional Womens Association (PWA) on Thurs 16 Nov. Grazia Cini from Florence spent seven days in a coma after a horse-riding accident in...
Recital by Magdalena Aperta soprano and Claudio Bergamini piano. Music by Chopin. The recital is introduced and commented on by Matilde Spadaio and Claudio Bergamini (20.30).
Recital by Hiroshi Yonezawa and Eriko Kumazawa with the traditional Japanese instruments the shakuhachi and the koto. Classical and contemporary Japanese music programme (21.00).
Piano recital by Michele Campanella. Music by Brahms (21.00).
Piano recital by Michele Campanella. Music by Brahms (21.00).
Hiroshi Yonezawa and Eriko Kumazawa play the traditional Japanese instruments of the shakuhachi and the koto. Classical and contemporary Japanese music programme (21.00). See Cultural Academies.
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia