Smiling H1 - 1920 x 116
Smiling H1 - 1920 x 116
Smiling H1 - 1920 x 116
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
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Piano recital by Richard Trythall. Music by Scelsi and Ives (21.00).
30 Nov 2005, 3 Dec 2005. In Solo Goldberg Improvisation, choreography by V. Sieni. 2 Dec 2005. In Solo Empty, choreography by V. Sieni.
Temple ASAP
30 Nov-3 Dec 2005. Presented by CICT/Theatre des Bouffes du Nord, from The brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky, with Maurice Bnichou, directed by Peter Brook.
Nine charities helping people in Rome will benefit from this years St Nicholas serata dinner dance on Sat 3 Dec. These include the Missionaries of Charity, founded by Mother Teresa of Calcutta to help homeless people,...
30 Nov 2005: Chloe Card gives a talk entitled Laughter, Digression and Disorder: Uneasy Encounters with Italy (18.00). 7 Dec 2005: Archaeology/Ancient History Lecture by Richard Whittman entitled S. Paolo fuori le mura (...
An evening dinner event on Tues 13 Dec offers the chance to meet new people in Rome and speak both English and Italian. The event, "Tavola Dinner and Conversation Exchange", is being organised by Eurocircle, which arra...
Its time: concert by Michael Bubl (21.00).
30 Nov-15 Feb 2005. Twenty years after their last joint exhibition, the two artists show their works together in Rome with sculptures from the 1960s to date.
A course on palliative care is to be held at The Vincent Pallotti Institute at the Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas. It will focus on spiritual care in particular and how this relates to general medicine. The course costs 60...
30 Nov-5 May 2006. Marking the bicentenary of the battle of Austerlitz, the Museo Napoleonico has retrieved from its storerooms, and restored, a panoramic papier-peint dedicated to the so-called "Battle of Three Emperors...
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AUR Summer 24 - 320 x 480
Thur-Sun. Nightspot playing dance and pop sounds with DJ Mofo on the deck. Also karaoke, table-dancing, funny graffiti and more.
29 Nov-18 Dec 2005. In The Phantom of the Opera, choreography by Andr de la Roche.
Thur. Erasmus night. Fri. Playing revival music. Sat. Sizzling youthful afternoon jam-session followed by disco night playing dance and house music.
Thur-Sun. Get psyched up dancing to soul, hip-hop, funk and reggae sounds. Assorted international beers on offer and fortified shots.
English speaking pun lovers and/or phonetics enthusiasts note this event. On exhibit works from the 70's to this date.
In collaboration with Nuova Consonanza, Fondazione Isabella Scelsi and the Comitato Progetto Musica, a tribute to Giacinto Scelsi by the Quartetto dArchi di Torino, with Giacomo Agazzini and Umberto Fantini violins, Andr...


Sat. Get funky on DJ Luis Radios From Classics On house music tour. Special guest: Latin-jazz DJ Little Louie Vega.
Film on Wal-Mart, biggest company in the world, followed by discussion. 8pm. Free, donations appreciated. Eyes Wide Open film series.
Anti-war protest at U.S. Embassy. 4pm. Speak out against atrocities in Fallujah. Call for withdrawal of all troops from Iraq.
17, 22, 26 Nov 2005. Tribute to Giacinto Scelsi. Romaeuropa pays tribute to an outstanding musician of the 20th century on the 100th anniversary of his birth. His music has influenced generations of musicians across the...
Temple ASAP