Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Marymount - International School Rome
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Concert conducted by Antonio Pappano, with Tamar Iveri soprano, Sonia Ganassi mezzosoprano, Giuseppe Sabbatini tenor, and Ildar Abdrazakov bass. Verdis Requiem Mass (19.30).
Until 16 Nov 2005. In Histoire de Manon, choreography by Kenneth MacMillan, music by Massenet, with Alessandra Ferri/Silvie Guillem and Roberto Bolle/Massimo Murru. The brilliant cast has plenty of chance to show off tec...
Smiling H2 - 724x450
Contemporary chamber music concert by the Ensemble Musica DInsieme, with Sonia Formenti, Paolo Casiraghi, Alfonso Alberti, Aldo Campagnari, Paolo Fumagalli, Giorgio Casati, Yoichi Sugiyama. Music by Dai Fujikura, Misato...
"The Iranian Geopolitical Perception After the War in Iraq" Lecture by Mahmood Sariolghalam, National University in Tehran. for more info: president@johncabot.it
Friday 25th, 1pm-4pm; Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th November 10am-12,30. Great Buys starting from 10cents. Everyone welcome
15-17 Nov 2005. In Congiunto di nero, created by Emio Greco and Pieter C. Scholten. Based in Amsterdam, Emio Greco|PC is a collaborative partnership between Italian-born dancer Emio Greco one of the most compelling danc...
15 Nov-26 Feb 2006. This retrospective documents the creativity of Mastroianni from a 1928 sketch until his Teatro Magico XII of 1998. About 30 bronzes are on show as well as works in marble, wood, silver, steel, terraco...
14 Nov-11 Dec 2005. Latest works by Lorenzo Scaretti. The unconventional Italian artist creates "visual phonetics" which display a synthesis of surrealist art, Anglo-American humour, conceptual art and linguistics.
guided tour in Rome in italian (only Saturday and Sunday). For programs: info@passeggiandoperroma.com
Piano and accordion recital by Antonio Valentino and Alberto Fantino. Music by Piazzolla, Campogrande, Tosti (12.00).
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
RCI 320 x 480
Concert with Giuliano Sommerhalder trumpet and Giovanni Cretoni horn. Music by Haydn, Copland, Ligeti and Boccherini (18.00).
Concert by the Concerto Italiano conducted by Rinaldo Alessandrini. Music by Lully, Purcell and others (21.00).
Piano recital by Pierre-Laurent Aimard. Music by Messiaen, Boulez and Debussy (17.30).
Harpsichord recital by Salvatore Carchiolo. Music by Vivaldi, Marcello, Mancini and Bach (12.00).
Aphex Twin in Reflex disco assault systems inc. Aphex Twin (alias Richard D. James) has been acclaimed as the most innovative and influential artist in the recent history of electro music. He was the enfant prodige of tr...
13 Nov 2005: Pierluigi Petrobelli talks about Verdis Requiem (18.00). At the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome, Verdis Requiem will be performed (12, 14, 16 Nov) with the choir and orchestra of the Accademia Nazion...
Concert conducted by Antonio Pappano, with Tamar Iveri soprano, Sonia Ganassi mezzosoprano, Giuseppe Sabbatini tenor, and Ildar Abdrazakov bass. Verdis Requiem Mass (18.00). Repeated 14 Nov (21,00), 16 Nov (19.30).
Piano recital by Alfred Brendel. Music by Mozart, Schumann, Schubert and Beethoven (21.00).
I Musici Veneziani :Methodist Church Via xx Settembre 123 presents Classics&Opera Arias 6-13-20-27 of november.
I Musici Veneziani church S.Paolo Entro le Mura Via Nazionale 16a presents Enchanting Opera Arias on 1-4-8-11-15-18-22-25-29 of November.
RCI 1400 x 360