Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
AuR Summer 24 700 x 180
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Piano and violin recital by Alessandro Stella and Saskia Lethiec. Music by Bach, Beethoven, Scelsi, Sani, Ravel (21.00).
A variety valuable prizes awaits those willing to pit their wits against assorted geniuses and imbeciles. romepubquiz@yahoo.com
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27 April-24 May 2005. A selection of precious Japanese paintings on silk and paper of the 19th and 20th centuries as well as beautiful kimonos, lacquered boxes and contemporary photographs featuring cherry blossom, the s...
27 April-29 May 2005. Forty black-and-white photographs by Franco Zecchin illustrate the life of a nomadic population in Mongolia.
Saturday 16 & Sunday 17th. April 10.00am-12.30pm. Terrific Bargins. Be Early. Everyone welcome!
26 April 2005: Andrea Carandini, Glenn Most, Andrew Wallace-Hadrill and Peter Wiseman present and discuss Wisemans book The Myths of Rome (18.00).
26-30 April 2005. In Il cappello a tre punte and Il Bolero, choreography by Antonio Marquez. Marquez is a charismatic flamenco dancer thanks to whom this genre has acquired great popularity almost worldwide. He founded h...
26-30 April 2005. In concert form conducted by Yoram David, with Susan Platts, Steve Davislim and Orlin Anastassov.
Presented by Dr. Katherine Jansen, Professor of History at the Catholic University of America. See www.idcrome.org/lecture.htm
Concert by the Nova Amadeus Orchestra with Sandro Verzari trumpet. Music by Albinoni and Corelli (19.30).
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RCI 1920 x 190
FiR 320 x 480 H3
Concert conducted by Francesco La Vecchia with Aldo Ciccolini piano. Music by Beethoven and R. Strauss (11.00).
Chamber music concert by La Confraternita d Musici conducted by Cosimo Prontera. Music by Migali and Corelli (18.30).
Catch up with friends, perfect your language skills at informal dinner on April 20 at 6:30 pm. www.eurocircle.com/events, rome@eurocircle.com.
Network with businesses catering to the international community and socialize. Saturday April 16, 11am-5pm. Entry FREE. aicr@aicrome.org or tel. 06-4544-7625.
23, 30 April 2005. Traviata by Verdi. 27 April 2005. The Orchestra Accademia dellOpera Italiana conducted by Mauro Roveri, directed by Leonardo Tentoni with Marina Di Marco, Sandro Ferri and Clemente Fraciosi.
23 April-12 June 2005. Directed by Agostino Orizio, this years festival theme is Brahms: symphonies and concerts. As usual there is an impressive line-up of top class and pianists, and the festival also features orchestr...
23 April-17 July 2005. An exhaustive exhibition of the many facets of the most prophetic artist of the Russian avant-garde.
Fri 8 Apr. Black Rock night. Get a feel of the upcoming summer breeze away from the heart of the city dancing to rock music from the 80s. Special offers on beer at 8 for four drinks. Club opens at 18.00 and admission is...
Fri 8 Apr. Get funky on a night dedicated to Revival music by Group-One DJs led by the mystical DJ Faber Cucchetti. Mixing music from the 70s-80s. Club opens at 23.00 and admission is 15 (First drink free).
Sat 9 Apr. From Classics On (FCO) night, featuring New York based DJ Tony Humphries. Playing the best of house and acid house music, DJ Humphries will be assisted by Goas DJ Luis Radio. Sun 10 Apr. After Tea Party. Th...
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