2-17 April 2005. Conducted by Ottavio Dantone, directed by Pier Luigi Pizzi.
Handels Rinaldo goes on stage at the Teatro degli Arcimboldi in Milan (2 April-17 April). Pier Luigi Pizzi conceived the production 20 years...
25 March 2005.
Handel's Messiah was first presented in Dublin in 1742 and is certainly one of the German composers more popular works along with his Water Music. He composed the work while living in England where he re...
19 March 2005.
The Grand Strauss Ball, or Wiener Ball, is the grand finale of the Viennese Ball season. Taking place in the splendid Hofburg, the former residence of the Habsburg emperors, for the first time ever, class...
14-28 March 2005.
The Ether Festival is an annual event at Londons Royal Festival Hall at the South Bank Centre now in its fourth year. Ether is a celebration of performing artists whose live shows break new boundaries...
18-28 March 2005.
OsterKlang is an annual Easter time sonic feast for classical music aficionados. This ninth edition of this increasingly popular festival sees the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra performing its rendition...
24-28 March 2005.
These days graffiti and certainly hip hop are mainstream art forms that frequently pop up in most media from cinema and television to radio and the internet. For some time now many practitioners of the...
9 Mar-16 April 2005.
Dublins Peacock Theatre is proud to present the latest play from Shelagh Stephenson, the award-winning author of The Memory of Water and An Experiment with an Air Pump. Enlightenment is a gripping d...
22 April 2005.
The Guillermo de Osm gallery is currently exhibiting 65 ground-breaking works by artists belonging to the generation of 27. The Historical Vanguards (1910-1940) exhibition features many important painting...
1-30 April 2005. Entitled Sonno, on display is a project by Hilario Isola and Matteo Norzi. It is part of a new section of the gallery called Link dedicated to the work of young up-and-coming artists.
1 Mar-30 April 2005.
Writing in Light is a fantastic collection of beautiful, sometimes quite moving black and white portraits of some of Irelands best known writers and playwrights, taken by one of the countrys leading...
1-30 April 2005. An exhibition on the genesis and transformation of part of the city of Rome: EUR. The material on show is from public and private archives and collections.
English mother tongue translator (Italian-English) registered at the Rome Civil and Penal Court as Perito Traduttore. Over 20 years of experience in all fields. Excellent rates. Fr...
Beautiful house located in a quiet and safe neighborhood, just around the corner from the National Archeological Museum of Palestrina. Facing South, this home offers breathtaking v...
Shiatsu Namikoshi massage at your home/office/hotel. Massage performed by professional masseur (man) with 7 years of experience. Call me at this number: 333 93 52 666 to take an ap...