Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
RCI 700 x 180
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Fun Catholic lecture & discussion series! New topics! Drink, chat, deepen your faith. March 2, 9, 16. 7pm.
21 March 2005. One night only installation piece by artist Maria Domp on the faade of the McKim, Mead & White building at the American Academy in Rome. It includes a live musical performance. Tibet for Freedom expresses...
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PLURAL2 offers an excellent opportunity to see current trends in visual art and architecture in Great Britain and Australia. Kate Cotching, Toby Glanville, Juliet Haysom, Steven MacIver, Des Lawrence, Mike Marshall, Hayl...
23 Feb-26 March 2005. The exhibition presents the Argentinian artists most recent work. On show is also Walking around, a polichrome wooden sculpture she has been working on for the past ten years.
11-15 March 2005. Berlins main exhibition centre, the Berlin Messe, plays host to the International Tourism Exchange Berlin. Every conceivable professional from the travel and tourism industry will be taking part in an...
Harpsichord recital by Cipriana Smarandescu. Music by Scarlatti, Bach, Duphly (17.15).
Concert conducted by Francesco La Vecchia, with Gerard Oppitz piano. Music by Brahms and Tchaikovsky (11.00).
Concert by the Orchestra del Conservatorio di Musica di Frosinone with Juan Paradell Sol, organ. Music by Miserachs, Bach, Poulenc (18.30).
20 March 2005: Lecture by Paolo Terni on Strategie della forma quartettistica in Haydn, Debussy e Webern (11.00).
Concert conducted by Lu Jia, with Ilya Gringolts violin. Music by Tchaikovsky (18.00).
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Fri 4 Mar. Pump up the bass night. A night dedicated to drum n bass and new alternative dancing styles. All under the "Arpexperiment 2000" sound and image project originally of Rome and Cagliari. Club opens at 23.00 and...
AFTER TONY TOUCH,EVERYBODY ARE INVITED FOR THE SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER...HipHop,R&B,Soul,DanceHall LADIES FREE&RID(till.1)in List:3343594901...see u there..Brice
Concert conducted by Wolfgang Sawallisch. Music by Brahms and Stravinsky (18.00). Repeated 21 March (21.00), 22 March (19.30).
Concert by the Gruppo ConTatto. Music by Lennon, McCartney, Simon (20.30).
Chamber music concert I Solisti Veneti conducted by Claudio Scimone. Music by Albinoni, Vivaldi, Tartini and others (17.30).
Join us at the march in Rome on the International Day of Protest against war Iraq. 333 1103510 for details.
19 March-22 May 2005. A collection of photographs depicting Palestine from 1854-1859. The exhibition is the culmination of 15 years of study and analysis put together by the Archives for Historical Documentation (AHD).
19 March-19 June 2005. The exhibition is a tribute from Naples to the great Spanish master.
A celebration of the ancient eastern festival of Shiv Jayanti. Audio visual presentation, music and meditation.
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia