1-13 March 2005.
Austrias most well-known pop star, Falco, lived a classic rock and roll lifestyle, achieving international super stardom in the Eighties then self-destructing in spectacular fashion. A pop icon whose ri...
Chamber music concert by the Trio Refice with Alessandro Cedrone violin, Donato Cedrone cello and Loretta Proietti piano. Music by Beethoven, Shostakovic, Mendelssohn (20.30).
12-28 March 2005.
This Easter the beautiful Baroque castle and grounds of Schnbrunn Palace are the setting for an Easter Egg Fair offering eggs a plenty in all shapes and sizes. Anyone with a sweet tooth would be well a...
26 Feb-29 March 2005.
For the sixth year running Vienna plays host to the international Accordion Festival at a number of different locations around the city, such as the Porgy and Bess Jazz Club and Planet Music. The f...
18 March-12 June 2005. Watercolours and drawings from the Gallery of Fine Arts in Vienna witness the taste and style of German and Austrian Romanticism.
27 March 2005 at 15.00
The boat race started in 1829, and has now become a legendary sporting event. The race itself lasts no more than about 20 minutes but attracts an enormous number of spectators both along the bank...
3-13 March 2005.
This international festival for contemporary music takes place at the Berliner Festspiele. MrzMusik acts as a platform for the eclectic currents flowing throughout the contemporary music scene. The orga...
4-20 March 2005.
Taking place in Spandau, a suburb of western Berlin, the Spandauer Frhlingsfest (Spring Festival) is one of the first opportunities of the year to gather outdoors, drink the best in German beer and give...
17-23 March 2005. Conducted by Marcello Panni, directed by Stefano Vizioli, with Giuseppe Giacomini, Virginia Todisco, Viorica Cortez and Ambrogio Maestri.
16 - 25 March 2005.
The NGO Human Rights Watch organises an eight-day festival at various cinemas throughout London every year. The objective is to highlight injustices and the fight for the defence of human rights worl...
3-26 March 2005.
Felicity Clear often likes to look at our perceptions and feelings towards the world we live in and how we relate to it, questioning traditional theories or accepted dogmas. Her work consistently blurs...
4 Mar- 9 April 2005.
A resounding success at last years Dublin Theatre Festival, the Abbey Theatre welcomes the Rough Magic production of Improbable Frequency complete with its original cast and band. Set during the Sec...
29 Jan-17 April 2005.
The Deutsche Guggenheim, the most recently established and perhaps less well-know of Guggenhem museum, welcomes this wide-ranging show of the paper-based work of 20th century American painter, Jack...
17 Feb-22 May 2005.
If you have ever wondered how the surrealists themselves saw their artistic and cultural movement this exhibition could provide you with the answers. It includes works by some of the extremely influe...
English mother tongue translator (Italian-English) registered at the Rome Civil and Penal Court as Perito Traduttore. Over 20 years of experience in all fields. Excellent rates. Fr...
Beautiful house located in a quiet and safe neighborhood, just around the corner from the National Archeological Museum of Palestrina. Facing South, this home offers breathtaking v...
Shiatsu Namikoshi massage at your home/office/hotel. Massage performed by professional masseur (man) with 7 years of experience. Call me at this number: 333 93 52 666 to take an ap...