23 Feb-4 May 2005. The red books in question were actually red albums that pioneering pop-artist Andy Warhol used to catalogue and record his Polaroids taken between 1969 and 1975. These fascinating snapshots show the wi...
6 March-15 May 2005. The exhibition shows the rich art collection of Cardinal Gonzaga and features the latters 1749 portrait by Giovanni Paolo Pannini.
Concert conducted by Georges Prtre. Bizets Carmen in concert form (18.00). Repeated 7 March 2005 (20.00), 9 March 2005 (19.30).
At the Auditorium-Parco della Musica in Rome, Georges Bizets Carmen will be performed in c...
5 March-3 July 2005. A total of 50 works of art from museums in Nigeria mark 3,000 years of African history. This history was first revealed when the British arrived in Benin during the 19th century and it continues to y...
3-13 March 2005. This international festival for contemporary music takes place at the Berliner Festspiele. MaerzMusik acts as a platform for the eclectic currents flowing throughout the contemporary music scene. The org...
15-19 Feb 2005. Madrid becomes the capital of flamenco for a week and plays host to the 13th Festival Caja Madrid these days the premier event on the flamenco calendar and easily the biggest in the Spanish capital. The A...
Sat 19 Feb. Flaminio maphia show case. A black music evening of hip-hop, R' n' B and dancehall with a live act by Flaminio Maphia from his latest work Per Un Pugno di Euri ( For a fist of Euri). DJ Lady Coco and DJ Aim...
The Institute of Design & Culture presents a Rome-antic literary visit of the Villa Farnesina. Reservations through: www.idcrome.org/text.htm rome@idcrome.org
24-26 Feb 2005. This is now the fifth edition of the Plantes Musiques festival running at la Maison des cultures du monde and the word has that a new look is on the cards. The musical extravaganza takes the form of a ser...
English mother tongue translator (Italian-English) registered at the Rome Civil and Penal Court as Perito Traduttore. Over 20 years of experience in all fields. Excellent rates. Fr...
Beautiful house located in a quiet and safe neighborhood, just around the corner from the National Archeological Museum of Palestrina. Facing South, this home offers breathtaking v...
Shiatsu Namikoshi massage at your home/office/hotel. Massage performed by professional masseur (man) with 7 years of experience. Call me at this number: 333 93 52 666 to take an ap...