AUR 1920 x 116
AUR 1920 x 116
AUR 1920 x 116
AuR Summer 24 700 x 180
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Wordly reknown Madredeus coming from Portugal for a great concert at prestigious Opera Theatre within festival Gli Angeli Sopra Roma.
Isma Record show: 5 groups, starring Tony Scott, guest of Luca R.Jacovella Jazz Concert
RCC -  724x450
Chamber music concert by the Fine Arts Quartet. Music by Beethoven and Schubert (21.00).
Piano duo by Cristina Biagini and Marco Marzocchi. Music by Schubert and Stravinsky (21.00).
3-16 March 2005. Conducted by Renato Palumbo, directed by Alberto Fassini, with Leo Nucci, Micaela Carosi, Mariana Pentcheva, Marcello Giordani.
3 March-5 June 2005. From the Guggenheim Museums of New York, Bilbao and Venice, a collection of works belonging to Solomon and Peggy Guggenheim, together for the first time in one venue. Capolavori del Guggenheim. Il gr...
Fri 18 Feb. Formal night. An artistic and musical night for hope and solidarity with the Tsunami victims. Performances by T.A.O (Alchemic Symphony), Vincenzo Zitello, Ottavio Saviano and a World beat DJ set by DJ Flob a...
1900 - 2000hrs. Guided meditations with reflections, silence and music.
2 March-25 April 2005. Restoration works in Dresden castle have given life to this exhibition of over 200 masterpieces from the temporarily closed Historisches Grunes Gewolbe. Ancient and modern sculptures, jewellery and...
2 March-25 Sept 2005. The exhibition shows the results of two years of research and work on projects to renovate and enrich the archaeological area of Hadrians villa.
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
RCC 320x480
2 March-25 Sept 2005. The exhibition shows the results of two years of research and work on projects to renovate and enrich the archaeological area of Hadrians Villa.
18.15 - 19.30hrs. "Peace starts from within, with one peaceful thought". Meditation, reflections and silence.
Sample an array of wines with entertaining and knowledgeable local wine expert. reservations required:, 06-4544-7625. 15 members, 20 non-members
Piano recital by Fazil Say. Music by Bach and Beethoven (20.30).
23 Feb-22 May 2005. The exhibition takes a close look at the later years of Caravaggio, including the famous work entitled Flagellation which was painted for the de Franchis chapel in San Domenico Maggiore in Naples. Car...
Learn the secrets of classic Roman cuisine, and enjoy an unforgettable dinner. Information/reservations: Questions:
Monday 21 February h20,30 Judy Johanson & St. Patrick Family Players Bryan Jeffery Leech RESURRECTION, A MUSICAL CANTATA FREE ADMISSION call 064883330 or 339654119
3-hour tour with consummate shopper. Discover the best in Rome! Information/reservations: Questions:
He's Back!! and he's hotter than before... TONY TOUCH ... in console. Ready for the heat?!!! INFOLINE: 334.3594901 BRICE
SUNDAY 27 FEBRUARY h.19.00 MUSIC BY Mozart & Brahms Quintet of the Teatro dell'Opera FREE ADMISSION CALL 064883339 or 339 6541119 LUMINARIA@STPAULSROME.IT
Temple ASAP