Enjoy friends, language exchange and a fabulous Mexican dinner in Prati.
Information/reservations: www.eurocircle.com/events. Questions: rome@eurocircle.com.
This Rome-based rock group formed in 2002 by Ugo Moretti performs live hits of the original Rolling Stones band. Some of the best hits by the band include Don't Stop, Miss You and Brown Sugar. Mark your diary for concert...
11-20 Feb 2005. Conducted by Riccardo Frizza, directed by Emilio Sagi, with Juan Diego Florez, Patrizia Ciofi, Nicola Ulivieri and Francesca Franci. One of Donizettis most delightful comedies, which Mendelssohn said he w...
Rome. Fri 28 Jan. Disco fashion night. DJ Paolo Pasquali and Group-one rock you with revival music from the 1970s-80s.
Sat. DJ Faber Cucchetti, the master and DJ Alex Dambrosio playing house, 1980s pop and the best of h...
Rome. Thur 27 Jan-Sun 29 Jan. Get the Latin American sensation while table dancing to salsa, revival music and rock all weekend. Check out the rib-cracking Italian graffiti at the club.
Club opens 21.30 and admission is...
Fri 28 Jan- Sat 29 Jan. Dance the weekend away with two dance floors to choose from. Fri featuring techno and deep house music with DJ Orazio Fat man on the mix. Sat. playing revival music with guest DJ Faber Cucchetti...
Thur 27 Jan- Sun 30 Jan. Intriguing nights on the banks of the River Tiber this weekend. Thur Fashion Party. Fri and Sat Baja party playing hip-hop and R n B till dawn. Club opens 21.00 and admission is 15 (first drink f...
LUMINARIA Concert by Candlelight
SUN 6 FEBh.19.00
Free admission
06 4883339
Tosca again by Enrico Vaime and Nicola Fano, based on Puccini. 12-18 Feb 2005. Conducted by Mem Perlini, with Simona Marchini, Antonello Fassari, Giulia Farnese, Stefano Antonucci, Paola Ghigo and Guido Zaccagnini.
8-20 Feb 2005. By Manuela Dviri, directed by Silvano Piccardi. The first play by Jewish writer and journalist Manuela Dviri Vitali Norsa sees documentary-maker Leah mulling over her life in her Jerusalem home during 2002...
English mother tongue translator (Italian-English) registered at the Rome Civil and Penal Court as Perito Traduttore. Over 20 years of experience in all fields. Excellent rates. Fr...
Beautiful house located in a quiet and safe neighborhood, just around the corner from the National Archeological Museum of Palestrina. Facing South, this home offers breathtaking v...
Shiatsu Namikoshi massage at your home/office/hotel. Massage performed by professional masseur (man) with 7 years of experience. Call me at this number: 333 93 52 666 to take an ap...