Associazione Romana Intermusica. Juvenes - Concerto di Natale. With Ginevra Petrucci flute and Paola Pisa piano, Gianmarco La Serra piano, and Il Piccolo Coro del Comune di Roma, conducted by Paolo Lucci. Music by Vivald...
Accademia Filarmonica Romana. Concerto Italiano, conducted by Rinaldo Alessandrini with Eleonora Contucci soprano. Music by Handel, Corelli, Stradella and Scarlatti (21.00).
13 Jan-10 April 2005. A celebration of Leonardo da Vincis genius as an engineer, artist and architect, featuring machines that were built according to his plans with materials that would have been available to him at the...
12-14 Jan 2005. Conference to mark the centenary of the birth of French philosopher Emmanuel Mounier, with the participation of Cardinal Paul Poupard and Jacques Delors.
28 Dec-5 Jan 2005. Planxty, featuring Christy Moore, Liam O'Flynn, Andy Irvine and Dnal Lunny, maintain one of Irish music's most important legacies. The group helped to revitalize the Irish music scene at the end of the...
La persecuzione e lassassinio di Jean-Paul Marat rappresentati dai ricoverati del manicomio di Charenton sotto la guida del Marchese di Sade. 11-22 Jan 2005. By Peter Weiss, directed by Walter Le Moli. In the asylum of C...
11 and 12 Feb 2005. By Joseph Kajetan Tyl, directed by Jiri Pokorny. A classic Czech play, written by an actor and writer who was also a leading figure in the Czech national revival movement in the first half of the 19th...
11-19 Feb 2005. Conducted by Giuliano Carella, directed by Marco Gandini, with Elena de la Merced, Stefano Ferrari, Giorgio Caoduro, Filippo Adami and Alex Esposito.
11 Jan-28 Feb 2005. The original tables of the Hoepli 1894-1904 edition of the Atlantic Code, containing the artists reflections on botany, mathematics, astronomy and architecture etc.
18 Dec-5 Jan 2005. Conducted by Marcello Viotti, directed by Arnaud Bernard, with Giuseppe Gipali, Giorgio Casciarri, Ana Mara Snchez and Annalisa Raspagliosi.
Istituzione Universitaria dei Concerti. Notte trasfigurata, with Marco Paolini narrator and the Orchestra dArchi Italiana, conducted by cellist Mario Brunello (20.30).
11-23 Jan 2005. By Luigi Pirandello, directed by Carlo Cecchi. A new version of Pirandellos 1921 comedy which revolutionised Italian theatre. A surreal tale of a family of characters desperate to come to life.
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