Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Concert conducted by Vladimir Jurowsky, with Leonidas Kavakos violin. Music by Tchaikovsky (18.00). Repeated 10 Jan (21.00), 11 Jan (19.30).
22 Dec-9 Jan 2005. Swan Lake is without a doubt one of the worlds most popular ballets and is a particular favourite of Covent Garden audiences. The production dates back to 1987, originally by Anthony Dowel with the cl...
5 Dec-13 March 2005. Paris sur glace (Paris on Ice) is a free outdoor ice skating rink set up every winter at the Hotel de Ville (town hall) in the 4th district. A beautiful setting for an outdoor rink, the stunning town...
Musica Per Roma. With David Riondino narrator, Stefano Bollani piano, and singers Paolo Benvegi, Monica Demuru, Petra Magoni and Mauro Mengali. Four melancholy shepherd statuettes in a nativity scene recount their dreams...
Musicometa. Concert by Trio Passion from Berlin, with Traugott Forschner trumpet, cornet and Alpine horn, Burkhard Schmidt saxophone and Gunter Kennel organ (20.30). Chiesa Evangelica Luterana.
21 Dec-8 Jan 2005. This world famous love story needs no introduction and nor does its author. This tale of the two young star-crossed lovers caught up in a family feud has been delighting audiences for centuries and has...
Dec-Feb 2005.Spielzeiteuropa is European theatre extravaganza, organised by and taking place mainly in the Haus der Berliner Festspiele, that brings together major theatre and dance productions including full-scale produ...
9 Nov 2004-12 Feb 2005. The history of broadcasting in Paris began more than a century ago. In 1898, Eugne Ducretet put an aerial on top of the Eiffel Tower and performed the first radio-electrical link up for the capita...
Sat 18 Dec-Sun 19 Dec. Weekend danzereccio. An irresistible DJ set of rock, pop and revival awaits you plus lots of beer and an assortment of cocktails on offer. Club opens at 20.00 and admission is free.
Sun 19 Dec. Aperitif party for the opening of the Cuve Astoria Lounge.
Lounge time music and buffet organised by 2night Magazine and Astoria Vini.
Clubs opens at 18.30 and admission is free.
Balletto di Mosca La Classique. 31 Dec-2 Jan 2005. In The Nutcracker, choreography by Alexander Vorotnikov. With Jana Kazantseva, Ekaterina Trounina and Dmitry Smirnov.
Risto-live-dance program.
Fri 18 Dec. Live music by Giada Morlacchi and Randy Roberts followed by dance night with DJ Alessandro Costa on the mix.
Sat 19 Dec. Dance time. DJ Andreino G and DJ Ettore Rossi mix dance, bl...
Fri 17 Dec-Sat 18 Dec. Double event. Fri starts off with the Sfiga Party with DJ Luca Morales and Andrea Torre on the mix while Sat DJ Luca Morales and Roberto Milani of the cinema house fame play revival music with the...
22-23 Dec. The world famous Berliner Philharmoniker (Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra) is giving two concerts right before Christmas at their home venue, the Philharmonie near Berlins central Potsdamer Platz. Conductor Marc...
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Guides certified by the Italian Cycling Federation (FCI) organize excursions to MTB in Rome but also outside Rome and in the neighboring regions. Bike Better Tours Asd.