RCI 1920 x 116
RCI 1920 x 116
RCI 1920 x 116
AuR Summer 24 700 x 180
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Record breaking pianist Christian Calcatelli improvises on Lennon repertoire. Free admittance
The Economy book and video centre is holding open house on 15 Dec from 16.00 - 18.00 to say arrivederci to their friends and customers before they close finally on 31 Dec. Those wishing to attend should contact, Fine Id...
Aur 724x450
16 Dec, 18 Dec 2004. The London Coliseum has recently been re-opened after a period of refurbishment and the home of opera sung in English just north of Trafalgar Square is back in business. The English National Opera...
11 - 18 Dec.The signs of time bear evidence of the indelible quintessence where colours, rhythms and shapes express the song of the soul. Works by Jedi Simon.
12 Nov-23 Dec 2004. The Green on Red Gallery is exhibiting Irish artist Gerard Byrne's latest video piece entitled Homme Femmes (Michel Debrane) a video of an attempt to dramatically re-enact a 1977 interview between th...
6-24 Dec. Germanys Christmas markets are famous the world over and Berlins Opernpalais Weihnachtsmarkt is one of the capitals most beautiful with more than 120 stalls (Stnde) set right in the historic centre. The market...
5 Dec 2004-6 Jan 2005. The pantomime season has begun and the Gaiety Theatres offering this year is Jack and the Beanstalk. Every child knows the ogres Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman and Jacks adventur...
6 Dec-22 Jan 2005. Many theatregoers will have already seen the traditional Irish version of John Synges Playboy Of The Western World with its hilarious tale of a young man who claims to have murdered his father thus be...
17 Nov-20 Feb 2005. The Schweppes Photographic Portrait Prize is in its second year and this years event has been won by German photographer Jens Lucking for his photograph Tokyo, a portrait of three Japanese school-girl...
29 Oct 2004-27 Feb 2005. The Rodin and the Sculpture Revolution exhibition traces the artistic development of Auguste Rodin, The exhibition looks at his early career as an ornamental mason and follows his progress as he...
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Acorn P H3 - 320 x 480
29 Oct 2204-18 July 2005. Madrid's Teatro Real on the Plaza de Oriente is the home of the Madrid Symphony Orchestra and Choir as well as invited soloists, conductors and visiting opera companies from around Europe. Its c...
Hanukah party on Saturday, Dec. 11th, with hot latkes, jeopardy game and giant Menorah lighting. For info, 349 818 8600.
Each Wed! Next: John Allen, Vatican expert and journanlist on Papal Elections! Meet new people! Deepen your faith! TOTRoma@hotmail.com
Each Wed! Next, Vatican expert and journalist John Allen on Papal Elections. Meet new people. Deepen your faith! TOTRoma@hotmail.com
Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma. Concert by the Rimsky-Korsakov Symphony Orchestra of St Petersburg, conducted by Aleksandr Sladkovsky, with Sergej Roldugin cello. Music by Glinka, Haydn and Beethoven (11.00).
Orchestra di Roma e del Lazio. Music by Kabalevsky, Respighi, Kodaly and Brahms (18.00).
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Music by Tchaikovsky, Glinka and Borodin (18.00). Repeated 20 Dec (21.00), 21 Dec (19.30).
9 Dec-20 Feb 2005. Staged as part of the Abbey Theatre's Abbeyonehundred celebrations, the centenary year of Irelands National Theatre, the exhibition focuses on theatre design, sets and costumes. The material included a...
4-5-Dec 2004. A classic of world cinema that lasts 5 and a half hours - Abel Gances 1927 masterpiece Napolon. The showing of the film celebrates Napoleon's self-coronation as Emperor on 2 December 1804. To conduct the...
DJ SET Mario de Lucia from Radio Centro Suono 2 opening on 11pm till' 4am Adm. 10
AUR 1400x360