Madrid club El Mundo de Randall is a great salsa club open from Tuesday to Saturday every week playing the hottest Latin sounds. There are free salsa classes on Wednesdays for beginners and on Thursdays for the more adva...
12-20 Nov 2004. LAlternativa, Barcelonas independent film festival is a platform for the promotion and distribution of innovative films that miss out on mainstream distribution. Taking place at the Centre de Cultura Cont...
12-21 Nov 2004. Over a period of ten days a wealth of premieres, commissions, collaborations and new talent are on show across London, along with a celebration of the jazz tradition. This year features a whole host of ev...
24-27 Nov 2004. Presented by the Accademia Filarmonica Romana, with the Carl RosaOpera Company of London conducted by Wyn Davies. Carl Rosa Operas new production of The Mikado is a historic re-creation of the original au...
24-30 Nov 2004. Conducted by Giuseppe Grazioli, directed by Giorgio Gallione, with James Valenti, Leath Partridge, Fabio Maria Capintanucci, Alfonso Antoniozzi.
Concert by the Ensemble Recherche, the Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart, and the Experimental Studio der Heinrich Strobel Stiftung des SWR conducted by Hans Zender. Music by Zender and Sani (20.30).
23 Nov 2004: Seminar by Chrystina Hauber and Franz Xaver Schutz on New Maps for Students of Ancient Rome: the Archaeological Information System Roma (09.30-13.00). 23 Nov: Lecture by Reinhold Mueller entitled Bellini and...
22-24 Nov 2004. Presented by Palketto Stage International Theatre Productions with the Antic Mind Theatre Company. The performances are aimed at secondary school students of English. In English.
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Concert by the Choir of the Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia with Giovanni Bellucci piano. Music by Beethoven / Liszt (12.00).
Accademia Filarmonica Romana. For the last concert of the series Beethoven alla Sala Casella, violin and piano recital by Anna Tifu and Roberto Arosio. Music by Beethoven (11.00). Sala Casella.
7 Oct-27 Dec 2004. Madrid's Reina Sofia Museum is showing an exhibition, entitled La Mirada moderna (Modern prospective), of photographic work by Spanish architect Jos Manuel Aizprua (1902-1936). The exhibition comprises...
Piante e Vedute di Roma nellEuropa dei Lumi. 23 Nov-7 Feb 2005. The exhibition celebrates G.B. Nolli, arguably the greatest European cartographer of the 18th century, and it illustrates his influence on the young Piranes...
Chamber music concert by Salvatore Accardo and Laura Gorna violins, Francesco Fiore viola, Cecilia Radic cello, and Filippo Faes piano. Music by Dvorak and Brahms (21.00).
Beautiful house located in a quiet and safe neighborhood, just around the corner from the National Archeological Museum of Palestrina. Facing South, this home offers breathtaking v...
Shiatsu Namikoshi massage at your home/office/hotel. Massage performed by professional masseur (man) with 7 years of experience. Call me at this number: 333 93 52 666 to take an ap...
Guides certified by the Italian Cycling Federation (FCI) organize excursions to MTB in Rome but also outside Rome and in the neighboring regions. Bike Better Tours Asd.