12 Nov-13 Feb 2005. A look at the history and culture of Rome from 1924 until 1943 using materials from the archive of the Istituto Luce, which was set up to exalt Italys fascist regime through film and photography.
28 Oct-1 Nov. Via Margutta, probably the most famous artists' street in Rome, is holding its 71st open- air exhibition called Cento pitturi di Via Margutta . One hundred artists will be showing more than 3,000 oil-pain...
Fri Oct 29- Sun Oct 31. DJ Nick Peloso treats patrons to a mix of happy, dance and revival music. This weekend is a build-up to Sundays Transmania night: a Halloween special. Opens at 22.30 and admission is 15 (first dri...
Thur 29 Oct- Sun 31 Oct. For a fun-filled long-weekend, play, bar games, sing karaoke, dance to pop and house music plus cabaret (Sun only) under the animation of Alex Nisi. Open at 20.00 (show starts at 22.30).
Sun 31 Oct. A horribly eerie, chilling and scary weekend awaits you on the feast of Halloween is celebrated in Rome. A host of pubs have line up theme nights for this day. See Clubs section What's On.
Romaeuropa Festival. Starting from Zero: music/video event by Gabriel Orozco, Rupert Huber and Richard Dorfmeister (21.00). Repeated 13 Nov (21.00), 14 Nov (17.00). Teatro Palladium, Piazza Bartolomeo Romano 8, tel. 06...
7pm to 10 pm *Free*Record-breaking pianist Calcatelli improvises on contemporary classical sounds while raising donations for children of Plan International.
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. For the cycle of concerts entitled Its Wonderful: A Foreign Sound: concert by Caetano Veloso & Orchestra (21.00). Repeated 11 Nov 2004 (21.00).
A bazaar in aid of the Valle Aurelia department of Mental Health, Via di Valle Aurelai 284, Rome.
Sunday 14 November from 10.30 - 18.30
for information tel. 06039376221 or 06 65740578
Beautiful house located in a quiet and safe neighborhood, just around the corner from the National Archeological Museum of Palestrina. Facing South, this home offers breathtaking v...
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Guides certified by the Italian Cycling Federation (FCI) organize excursions to MTB in Rome but also outside Rome and in the neighboring regions. Bike Better Tours Asd.