6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
Marymount - International School Rome
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13 Sept19 Dec 2004. As the leaves tumble Paris plays host to one of the most highly-rated contemporary art events in the year. Since its creation in 1972, the Festival dAutomne has been a crossroads for avant-garde and f...
A retrospective to celebrate the anniversary of the Spanish artist's birth. Most of the works in the exhibition, which include photographs and sculpture, are from the Salvator Dali Foundation but some come from private m...
RCC -  724x450
25 Sept-7 Oct 2004. Conducted by Antonio Fogliani, directed by Antonio Calenda, with Marco Vinco, Svetla Vassileva, Bruno Pratic and John Osborn.
24-26 Sept 2004. For Romaeuropa Festival. With and by Alessandro Baricco, music by Giovanni Sollima. The project, which develops over three separate evenings, aims to go straight to the heart of Homers poem, translating...
24-26 Sept 2004. With Yolande Mukagasana and the Belgian Groupov Company directed by Jacques Delcuvellerie. The protagonist of this powerful production starts her narrative by telling the audience she is not an actress,...
24-26 Sept 2004. Ten different European dance companies invade the streets of the city for a festival on urban dance that involves ordinary citizens on buses, squares and gardens in three different cities. An internation...
24 Sept-2 Oct 2004. Conducted by Michael Guttler, directed by Italo Nunziata.
24 Sept-3 Oct 2004. Conducted by James Conlon, directed by Andrei Serban, with Vladimir Ognovenko, Clifton Forbis, Robert Brubaker and Elena Zaremba. The Autumn Season The summer has just come to a close. The open-ai...
Nuove tendenze nella tradizione del tappeto. 24 Sept-9 Oct 2004. Fifty carpets on show created by contemporary designers illustrate new tendencies and tastes in carpet-making.
24 Sept-23 Oct 2005. A feast for theatre lovers in what promises to be a first for Rome with a rich programme of cutting edge European theatre. There is the participation of 11 European countries in 16 theatres with 18 p...
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
Via degli Equi, 25 from 10 am to 8 pm books, clothes, cds, trinkets, etc to support campaigns in Guinea.
23-24 Sept 2004. In Que ma joie demure, choreography by Batrice Massin. Crafted to fit and exhalt Bachs Brandenburgh Concertos, the work is like a music score for steps and choreographic designs, proving that baroque mus...
9 Sept- 9 Jan 2005. Using the fruit of recent archaeological research, this major exhibition at the British Museum leads the visitor through the fascinating history of Sudan from the early Stone Age to the 19th century A...
22 Sept-9 Jan 2005. A vast retrospective of paintings, photographs, graphic works, drawings and films celebrate the father of Pop Art.
Capri, Elba on 37-foot sailboat moored Fiumicino. Weekends 160/190, week 350/550. Daniel 347-955-7717; dgleason@libero.it
21 Sept-9 Oct 2004. The festival was created by violinist Uto Ughi with the aim of taking classical music out of its ivory tower to young listeners. The 12 concerts that make up the programme feature many young musicia...
Michele Pogliani Dance Company presents the PIDYEFFE Collective performing 3 shocking choreographies of modern dance from "Nouvelle Vogue".
4 Sept-23 Jan 2005. This is the first major exhibition dedicated to Turner's Venice works, the result of his three short stays there between 1819 and 1840. There are some 120 works on show, oils, water colours, drawings...
18 Sept 2004. For the second year Rome invites citizens and tourists to stay awake throughout the night for a "white night" of art, music, cinema, theatre and other events. Last years successful initiative, with 1.5 mill...
18 Sept 2004-Jan 2005. Works by the three contemporary artists.
Smiling H5 - 1400x 360