Smiling H1 - 1920 x 116
Smiling H1 - 1920 x 116
Smiling H1 - 1920 x 116
Marymount - International School Rome
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5 April-30 May 2004. For FotoGrafia, ten contemporary South African photographers give their views on the new South Africa.
Mitologia: appello allimmaginazione. 5 May-5 June 2004. An initiative promoted by city authorities, with exhibitions and other events in 21 galleries and on the internet. The theme is mythology, and there is a strong pre...
Temple ASAP
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Concert by the Berliner Philharmoniker conducted by Simon Rattle. Music by Haydn, Bach, Brahms, Schnberg (21.00).
4 May 2004: lecture by Romeo de Maio entitled La parresia come furore nella crisi del Rinascimento (18.00). 6 May 2004: Anthony Grafton gives a lecture entitled Towards a social history of editing emendation and proof-co...
4-8 May 2004. Conducted by Giuseppe Grazioli, directed by Massimo Gallione, with Stefano Bologna, Laura Cherici, Andrea Concetti.
4-9 May 2004. Directed by Nuccio Siano, this dramatic oratorio, in 14 "cantos" for three soloists, narrates the passion, death and (possible) resurrection of the Italian statesman Aldo Moro, who was killed by the Red Bri...
4 May 2004: for a cycle of conferences dedicated to the expansion of the European Union, lecture by the ambassador of Malta Edward Melillo (17.00). 11 May 2004: Alfredo Breccia talks about I Paesi del futuro allargamento...
4-13 May 2004. For the third annual Verdi festival, conducted by Bruno Bartoletti, with scenery, costumes and direction by Hugo De Ana. At the Teatro Regio in Parma, the third annual Verdi Festival opens with Simon Boc...
4-29 May 2004. After the previous years tributes to Jiri Kylian, Mats Ek and William Forsythe, the contemporary choreographer at the heart of this years event is John Neumeier, who is considered the master of dance drama...
4 May-6 June 2004. Directed by Mario Martone, set designs by Mimmo Paladino.
Taco 1920 x 190
Taco 1920 x 190
Taco 1920 x 190
Temple ASAP
La Landriana will open its Russel Page designed gardens south of Rome on Fri 23-Sun 25 April. The Taverna family has opened its estate near Tor S. Lorenzo for the three-day spring fair for ten years, attracting about 10...
3 May-3 June 2004. Scotsman Paul Rossi uses his camera to describe rather than to show; symmetry and patterns are the main traits of his photographs. This exhibition features abstract digital prints as well as traditiona...
3 May-3 June 2004. In the photographs of Rosa Balbi who has been collaborating with Wanted in Rome since 1999 everyday objects and monuments are transformed into seemingly moving abstracts when seen reflected in water,...
The foundation of Rome, supposedly by Romulus 2,758 years ago, is traditionally remembered on Wed 21 April. Romes birthday or the natale di Roma, will be celebrated Sat 17 April-Wed 21 April by the Gruppo Storico Romano,...
2-15 May 2004. Conducted by Riccardo Muti, directed by Marina Bianchi from Giorgio Stehler, with Ambrogio Maestri, Natale De Carolis, Giuseppe Filianoti, Barbara Frittoli.
1-11 April 2004. The annual festival organised by Enrico Castiglione offers concerts and recitals in churches and basilicas. The somewhat uneven programme does include some remarkable events.
Festival Musicale Italiano. Music by Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy, Brahms (21.00).
Compania de danza mar Gomez. 30 April 2004. In La casa de lest, choreography by Xavier Martinez.
British School at Rome. 30 April 2004: archaeology lecture by Andrew Wallace-Hadrill entitled Saving Herculaneum on the work of the Herculaneum conservation project sponsored by the Packard Humanities Institute (18.00)....
1 April-25 Sept 2004. The life and times of the Emperor Hadrian seen through the eyes of the women that surrounded him; powerful Roman matrons who accompanied him and favoured him in his ascent to power. The exhibition,...
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