Smiling H1 - 1920 x 116
Smiling H1 - 1920 x 116
Smiling H1 - 1920 x 116
RCI 700 x 180
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20-30 April 2004. Conducted by Lorin Maazel, directed by Georges Lavandant, with Gabriele Maria Ronge, Stuart Skelton, David Pittman Jennings.
19-21 April 2004. Fifteen short stories, five per evening, brought to the stage by professional narrators to the notes of live music, create a map of Rome past and present.
RCI 724 x 450
I Concerti di Primavera. Concert by the Associazione Corale "Lorenzo Perosi" conducted by Luigi Ciuffa. Music by Palestrina and Bach (19.00).
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Concert by the Coro da Camera dellAccademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia directed by Roberto Gabbiani. Music by Dallapiccola, Ligeti, Vlad, Petrassi (12.00).
Teatro Ghione. For Euromusicas master concert series, piano recital by Amad Weiland. Music by Bach (21.00).
19 April-15 May 2004. Within a cycle of events dedicated to works on paper, these four contemporary Italian artists exhibit in duo, each with a common theme.
17 April 2004: Maria Elisa Tittoni, director of the Museo di Roma at Palazzo Braschi, talks about the history of magistrature in Papal Rome in a lecture entitled Il Senatore di Roma (16.00).
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Music by Rossini, Britten, Respighi (18.30). Repeated 19 April 2004 (21.00), 20 April 2004 (19.30).
17, 24 April, 1 May 2004. Presented by the orchestra and choir of the Accademia dOpera Italiana conducted by Roberto Bongiovanni, directed by Leonardo Tentoni.
18-30 May 2004. Conducted by Bruno Campanella, directed by Pierluigi Pizzi, with Luigi Petroni, Giovanni Furlanetto, Alfonso Antoniozzi, Elisabeth Norberg-Schultz. Nino Rotas Il cappello di paglia di Firenze goes on st...
Taco 1920 x 190
Taco 1920 x 190
Taco 1920 x 190
AUR 320x480
16-24 April 2004. Conducted by Marcello Viotti, directed by Pier Luigi Pizzi, with Annick Massis, Yasuharu Nakayima, Luca Grassi, Luigi De Donato.
16-27 April 2004. Conducted by Jesus Lopez Cobos, directed by Lluis Pasqual, with Juan Diego Florez, Stefania Bonfadelli, Bruno De Simone. This work, first performed in Paris in 1828, is Rossinis last and most sophistica...
Oratorio del Gonfalone. Violin and piano recital by Marco Fiorini and Irene Franceschini. Music by Mozart, Beethoven, Prokofiev (21.00).
Concert by Camerata Italica conducted by Matthieu Mantanus, with Patrizio Serino soloist, and Gaia De Laurentiis actress. Music by Tchaikovsky, readings from Chechov (20.45).
Oratorio del Gonfalone. Violin and piano recital by Marco Fiorini and Irene Franceschini. Music by Mozart, Beethoven, Prokofiev (21.00).
15 April 2004: presentation on international relations in Ghana, featuring Ghanaian food and music (17.00). 16 April 2004: conference entitled The new transatlantic relationship explores the divisions between parts of Eu...
15 April 2004: live literature with Gaja Cenciarelli, Annamaria Mosca, and the work of Luigi Anderlini (22.00) at Lettere Caff, Via S. Francesco a Ripa 101. 29 April 2004: live literature with British novelist Andrew OHa...
Until 2 May 2004. Exhibition about the discovery of DNA, and the contributions of Italian researchers to its development.
Oratorio del Gonfalone. Violin and piano recital by Marco Fiorini and Irene Franceschini. Music by Mozart, Beethoven, Prokofiev (21.00).
Accademia Filarmonica Romana. The Fiddler on the Roof, by and with Moni Ovadia from the original musical (20.30). For those who like to plan ahead: Jeffrey Tate conducts the Orchestra of S. Cecilia on 17, 19, 20 April...
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