The Moscow Classical Ballet State Academy Theatre. 3-4 April 2004. In Cinderella, choreography by Natalia Kasatkina and Vladimir Vasiliov, music by Prokofiev.
2 April-19 Sept 2004. This is the fifth edition of a growing festival that involves museums, galleries and other spaces all over the city. The programme is vast and articulate, and events have different dates, but sudden...
Bjart Ballet Lausanne. 2-8 April 2004. In The Magic Flute, choreography by Maurice Bjart. The work is imbued with a mix of philosophy, transcendental mystery and pseudo-oriental spirituality, as has become usual for Bjar...
Istituzione Universitaria dei Concerti. Concert by the Hilliard Ensemble, with Joanne Lunn and Rebecca Outram sopranos, and Christopher Bowers-Broadbent organ (20.30). Music by Bach and Part (20.30).
31 March 2004: Jacob Isager, Associate Professor and Director of the Danish Institute in Rome gives a lecture entitled The Elder Pliny; a founder of the history of art (18.30).
Oratorio del Gonfalone. Chamber music concert by Dimitri Ashkenazy clarinet, Attilio Bergamelli piano, and Andrea Bergamelli cello. Music by Beethoven, Brahms, Stravinsky (21.00).
Oratorio del Gonfalone. Chamber music concert by Dimitri Ashkenazy clarinet, Attilio Bergamelli piano, and Andrea Bergamelli cello. Music by Beethoven, Brahms, Stravinsky (21.00).
For those who like to plan ahead: pia...
1-2 April 2004. In a joint effort by Romes "La Sapienza" University and the Waseda University in Tokyo, students in oriental studies adapt Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice and Twelth Night in Kyogen style. They are di...
Associazione Romana Intermusica. Piano recital by Gabriele Tarquinii, and violin and piano recital by Alessio Benvenuti and Marco Lo Muscio. Music by Schumann, Satie, Debussy and others (20.30).
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