14 March-13 June 2004. After two years of restoration, the Castello Estense reopens with an exhibition tracing the history of Ferrara and the Este family.
13, 15 March 2004. Conduted by Ottavio Dantone, directed by Robert Carsen, with Sonia Prina, Giacinta Nicotra, Masha Carrera, Annely Peedo and Carlo Lepore.
Compagnia Antonio Marquez. 13-21 March 2004. In El sombrero de tres picos and Boda flamenca, choreography by Antonio Marquez. Marquez is an exciting flamenco dancer; he and his excellent company never fail to draw the au...
13 March-18 April 2004. Video installations by the Masbedo duo focus on the connection between aesthetics and technology, using music, cinema and literature.
12 March-27 June 2004. A comprehensive retrospective with over 180 works, this is the first major exhibition dedicated to the Klee in the capital in over 20 years.
Balletto di Toscana. 11-21 March 2004. In Romeo and Juliet, choreography by Fabrizio Monteverde, music by Prokofiev, with Raffaele Paganini and Monica Perego. Monteverdes 1989 creation has a traditional Elisabethan set,...
11 March-9 May 2004. The exhibition is a tribute to Barthes and includes drawings, photographs, documents, as well as a room in which you can listen to recordings of his voice.
Sandro Botticelli. 10 March-11 July 2004. This vast and comprehensive exhibition also includes a section dedicated to Botticellis teacher, Filippino Lippi, and works by some of his contemporaries.
Aterballetto. 10 March 2004. In Les Noces, Rossini Cards and Steptext, choreography by Mauro Bigonzetti and William Forsythe. Since taking over the company he joined in 1982, Mauro Bigonzetti has proved to be one of Euro...
Balletto del Teatro dellOpera. 10-18 March 2004. In Trilogia di Figaro, a dramatic triptych made up of Madre Colpevole, Barbiere di Siviglia and Matrimonio di Figaro, choreography by Luciano Cannito, music by Mozart.
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