6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
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Compagnia di Flamenco Maria Pags. 9-21 March 2004. In El Perro andaluz. Burlerias, and Flamenco Republic.
9-28 March 2004. Conducted by Steven Mercurio, directed by Giuseppe Giuliano, with Galina Gorchakova, Daniela Longhi, Richard Leech, Walter Fraccaro, Giorgio Surian.
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10 March-7 April 2004. The great actor Giorgio Albertazzi in the lead role, directed by Massimo Castri.
10 March-7 April 2004. The great actor Giorgio Albertazzi in the lead role, directed by Massimo Castri.
10 March-7 April 2004. The great actor Giorgio Albertazzi in the lead role, directed by Massimo Castri.
7-15 Feb 2004. By The Rome Savoyards, directed by Sandra Provost. In English. See On the Agenda page 23.
Teatro Ghione. For Euromusicas master concert series, Michael Aspinall soprano?!, recital by Karen Christenfeld, Gioacchino Zarrelli and Giovanni Sannino. Music by Gazzaniga, Verdi, Rossini and others (21.00).
Istituzione Universitaria dei Concerti. Music by Haydn, Brahms, Tchaikowsky (20.30).
Teatro Ghione. Music by Albeniz, Granados, de Falla and others (21.00).
9-24 March 2004. Contemporary works. 10.00-19.00. Sat and Sun closed.
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Acorn P H3 - 1920 x 190
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Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
I Concerti del Luned. Music by Poulenc, Walton, Brahms (20.45).
7 March 2004: Mario Bortolotto gives a lecture on Il dramma musicale di Wagner (11.00). 14 March 2004: Mario Bortolotto lectures on Lettura del Tristano (11.00).
I Concerti del Tempietto. Music by Rachmaninov (17.15).
Orchestra di Roma e del Lazio. Concert conducted by Felix Grieger. Music by Webern, Strauss, Schubert (18.00).
I Concerti del Tempietto. Music by Bach, Couperin and others (20.30).
Emanuele Pantanella. 5 March-5 April 2004. Ornaments and everyday objects crafted in precious wood by the Italian designer and artisan. Wed-Sun 11.00-18.30. See Academies page 21.
5 March-25 April 2004. Original documents, books, publications, political manifestos, photographs, toys and other objects collected from public and private institutions reconstruct the world of children in Italy between...
American Academy in Rome. 4 March 2004: Nancy Goslee Power speaks on garden design and her own work in California (18.00).
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