Quarantanni di edizioni. 5 March-5 April 2004. Books published by the exclusive Edizioni dellElefante, which specialises in rare, high quality books. Wed-Sun 11.00-18.30. See Academies page 21.
3 March 2004. With the musicians of the Orchestra dellAccademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia directed by Roberto Braida, and with music by Roberto Granci. This comedy/concert that provides a sort of guided tour of a musicians...
John Cabot University. 3 March 2004: Lucia Annunziata, president of RAI, gives a lecture entitled Television: the American and the Italian experience (18.30).
2 and 4 March 2004. Conducted by Claudio Abbado, directed by Mario Martone.
After four years Claudio Abbado returns to conduct Cos Fan Tutte by Mozart in three different cities in Emilia Romagna: Ferrara (17 and 19 Feb...
2-21 March 2004. This production is more of a musical than a play, created by Tato Russo, with music by Mario Ciervo and Russo himself, and choreography by Aurelio Gatti.
2-21 March 2004. This production is more of a musical than a play, created by Tato Russo, with music by Mario Ciervo and Russo himself, and choreography by Aurelio Gatti.
1 March 2004. With the ensemble "Sentieri Selvaggi" conducted by Carlo Boccadoro, and with Cristina Zavalloni voice. This is the world premire of a work composed by Nyman for his 60th birthday, especially for
the Milane...
Istituzione Universitaria dei Concerti. Maratona Schumann: the piano duo Roberto Cominati and Enrico Pace and pianists Marco Sollini, Gregorio Nardi and Ruskin Cooper play Schumann, Bennett, Schunke, Brahms (17.30 and th...
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Concert conducted by Paavo Jarvi, with Bo Skovhus baritone. Music by Mahler and Prokofiev (18.30). Repeated 1 March 2004 (21.00), 2 March 2004 (19.30).
Accademia Filarmonica Romana and Istituzione Universitaria dei Concerti in collaboration with the Chaplin Association present the Charlie Chaplin film The Circus, accompanied by the Orchestra Citt Aperta conducted by Tim...
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