15, 17 Feb 2004. Conducted by Jonathan Webb, directed by Daniele Abbado, with Annie Va Vrille, Jeremy Ovenden, Sonia Dorigo, Davide Damiani. This is Brittens second opera, written in 1946. It is a taut and powerful chamb...
Concerti del Tempietto. Chamber music concert by the ensemble "Fuori Tempo" with Cristina Lelio conductor and soprano. Music by Monteverdi, G. Da Venosa and others (20.30).
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Concert conducted by Myung-Whun Chung, with Francesco Bossone bassoon. Music by Weber and Hindemith (18.30). Repeated 16 Feb 2004 (21.00), 17 Feb 2004 (19.30).
14 Feb-2 May 2004. This exhibition, which will move to the Metropolitan Museum of New York after its Italian run, traces the development of realist art from Leonardo Da Vinci to Caravaggio.
Join us for dinner every 2nd and 4th Tuesday for English and Italian conversation and enjoying friendships. Reservations required: atavolainrome@yahoo.it
12-18 Feb 2004. Conducted by Nello Santi, directed by Roberto Lagan, with Debora Veronesi, Manuela Custer, Eteri Lamoris, Alessandro Liberatore, Francesco Piccoli.
11-21 Feb 2004. In The Moors Pavane and Chaconne, choreography by Jos Limon; and New Creation, choreography by the companys new director Giorgio Mancini.
Samuel Fosso. 12 Feb-11 Apr 2004. The artist, who comes from Cameroon, was paralysed from infancy, but opened a photo studio in Bangui when he was only 13 years old. That studio became not only a refuge from the horrors...
12 Feb-2 May 2004. The exhibition, which comes to Rome from Spain, includes work by Velasquez and Bernini, as well as tapestries, sculptures and medals. Sun-Thurs 10.00-20.00. Fri-Sat 10.00-22.30.
11-21 Feb 2004. In The Moors Pavane and Chaconne, choreography by Jos Limon; and New Creation, choreography by the companys new director Giorgio Mancini.
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