11 Feb 2004: Seminar entitled Religious freedoms in Italy 75 years after the Lateran Pacts (17.00-19.30). 25 Feb 2004: Seminar on Berlusconispeak Italys new political language conducted by Nina Rothenberg, Bjorn Thomass...
27 Jan 2004. The Austrian Cultural Forum celebrates the birthday of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart with a concert by pianist Paul Gulda, son of Austrian composer and pianist Friedrich Gulda (1930-2000), who was renowned as one...
10-29 Feb 2004. A number of British artists are taking part in the eighth Festival Costante Cambiamento in Florence, which this year focuses on a comparison of India and Europe through urban dance. On 10 Feb Mavin Khoo w...
4 Feb-10 March 2004. An exhibition devoted to British video artists Nick Relph and Oliver Payne, who took the Golden Lion award for best artists under 35 at last year's Venice Biennale. The show will feature the video "H...
2 Feb-14 March 2004. A new Trend theatre season dedicated to plays by British writers performed by Italian companies. This years productions include Duck by Irish author Stella Feehily (2-15 Feb), the story of two sassy...
12 Feb-19 March 2004. Danish artist Per Kirkeby is the subject of a retrospective at the German Academy at Villa Massimo. A trained geologist, Kirkeby is best known for the intensive observation of nature in his expressi...
31 Jan-25 April 2004. Richard Wilson has installed a film projection entitled "Bank Job" in the vault of the Palazzo delle Papesse, which is blacked out and illuminated only by the film itself. This shows a fuse burning...
Chamber music concert by the Ensemble A. De Chirico with Cipriana Smarandescu harpsichord, Philip Sutton violin, Paolo Bonvino flute and Pasquale Sabatelli bassoon. Music by Vivaldi, Corrette, Handel, Bach (20.45).
10-15 Feb 2004. Conducted by Antonio Florio, directed by Paul Curran, with Roberta Invernizzi, Dionisia Di Vico, Giuseppe De Vittorio and the baroque orchestra Cappella della Piet de Turchini. Francesco Cavallis La Stati...
25-28 Feb 2004. In Swan Lake, choreography by Galina Samsova from Petipa. The star of the Kiev Ballet, the "divine" Svetlana Zacharova is in Rome for this Swan Lake, sharing the role of Odette/Odile with Anjella Koustnet...
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Concert conducted by Myung-Whun Chung, with Mischa Maisky cello. Music by Tchaikovsky and Rimsky-Korsakov (18.30). Repeated 9 Feb 2004 (21.00), 10 Feb (19.30).
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Guides certified by the Italian Cycling Federation (FCI) organize excursions to MTB in Rome but also outside Rome and in the neighboring regions. Bike Better Tours Asd.