6-8 Feb 2004. Directed and adapted by Alex Rigola, with the company of the Teatre Lliure. This was the most performed theatre piece in Spain last year, acclaimed by both critics and the public. At the core of the work is...
7 Feb 2004. Messaggero Muto, choreography by Virgilio Sieni, music by Francesco Giomi. The work is made up of a sequence of brief monologues in dance which explore the sensations of being caged in abnormal situations.
11-15 Feb 2004. The Auditorium-Parco della Musica is staging a Scandinavian Festival from Wed 11-Sun 15 Feb featuring music, design, literature, theatre, cinema, sports and food. The 1921 Swedish film classic "Il carrett...
7 Feb-13 March 2004. Folded-up paintings at a new gallery that comes to Rome from Naples. Tues-Sat 16.30-20.30.
Lengths of distressed canvas lie on the floor in boxes with glass tops, or in glass-topped boxes hanging o...
26 Jan-22 March 2004. A series of readings in English and Italian by established writers from Italy, New Zealand, Australia, the UK, the US and Ireland. The events will combine literature with visual art and sound, and h...
Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia. Chamber music concert by the Orquesta Escuela Superior de Musica "Reina Sofia" from Madrid, conducted by Hansjorg Schellenberger. Music by Vivaldi, Panisello, Beethoven (21.00).
3-15 Feb 2004. Directed by Carlo Battistoni, based on Giorgio Strehler's production, with Giulia Lazzarini. Becketts Happy Days is about Tiny Winnie, who lives contentedly in a world of her own that is normal except for...
Accademia Filarmonica Romana. Music by Brahms (21.00).
For those who like to plan ahead: the Camerata Ireland with pianist Barry Douglas is at IUC on 7 Feb 2004; pianist Bruno Canino plays with the Orchestra Sinfonica G...
Beautiful house located in a quiet and safe neighborhood, just around the corner from the National Archeological Museum of Palestrina. Facing South, this home offers breathtaking v...
Shiatsu Namikoshi massage at your home/office/hotel. Massage performed by professional masseur (man) with 7 years of experience. Call me at this number: 333 93 52 666 to take an ap...
Guides certified by the Italian Cycling Federation (FCI) organize excursions to MTB in Rome but also outside Rome and in the neighboring regions. Bike Better Tours Asd.