5-10 Feb 2004. MacMillans Manon is another in a series of attempts to extort from the 19th century the ballets it somehow failed to produce. The series began with Crankos adaptation of the Tchaikovsky opera Eugene Onegi...
American Academy in Rome. 5 Feb 2004: Presentation of the new edition of Georgina Massons Companion Guide to Rome, revised by John Fort, who will read from the old and new editions (18.30). 11-12 2004 Feb: conference on...
3-15 Feb 2004. Choreography by David Parsons. These shows mark the beginning of a long tour of Italy, where Parsons is very popular. He presents a medley of his work, including the much-loved Caught, in which a male danc...
3-11 Feb 2004. Conducted by Vittorio Parisi, directed by Roberto De Simone, with Raffaello Converso, Vincenzo Pirrotta, Alessandro and Marco Caricchia, Paolo Romano.
Paolo Picozza. 4 Feb-31 March 2004. Broody, unusual landscapes of Rome in dark-tar shades. 10.00-13.00, 17.00-19.30. Mon morning and Sat afternoon closed.
Drippy, fast, sideways swipes, and black, broody horizons stret...
29 Jan 2004. Literary conference presented by Prudencia Molero, with readings by Molero, Mariano Aprea and Rosario Tronnolone. In collaboration with the Argentinian embassy (18.00).
3-22 Feb 2004. In Tangos, una leggenda, choreography by Miguel Angel Zotto. Seven couples and a group of musicians and singers are live on stage for Zottos most recent work, first performed in Buenos Aires in Sept 2003 t...
29 Jan-26 Feb 2004. Despite recent, often purposely shocking experiments in British art, figurative picture-making is returning. There is a new naturalism, which is splashy and gawky but vivid. At Sala 1 four young resid...
10-28 Feb 2004. The second Laboratorio di Progettazione (LAB_2), in which young artists and architects collaborate on a proposal that shows how architecture and contemporary art can intervene to help solve urban problems...
Eifman Ballet Theatre St Petersburg. 31 Jan 2004. In Red Giselle, choreography by Boris Eifman. The first act of this Giselle, which is a tribute to the great ballerina Olga Spesivceva, is set in St Petersburg, where Eif...
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