16 Jan-5 March 2004. Paintings by the Japanese artist Masato Yoshioka side-by-side with work by the Italian goldsmith Diego Percossi Papi. 09.00-19.00. Mon closed.
Accademia Filarmonica Romana. Concert by the Concerto Italiano conducted by Rinaldo Alessandrini, with Eleonora Contucci and Elisabetta Scano sopranos, Sonia Prina contralto, Martin Oro countertenor. Music by Handel (21....
6 Jan 2004. In the Italian tradition 6 Jan (Epiphany) marks the arrival of "La Befana", a hag that leaves gifts in the stockings of good children and coal for naughty ones. Kids can celebrate at Villa Borghese with games...
Istituzione Universitaria dei Concerti. Concert by the Gruppo Musica d'Oggi conducted by Andrea Morricone, with Marco Rogliano violin, Michele Chiapperino cello and the Piccolo Coro di Roma directed by Stefano Cucci. Mus...
Istituzione Universitaria dei Concerti. Chamber music concert by the ensemble Voces Intimae with Riccardo Cecchetti piano, Luigi De Filippi violin and Sandro Meo cello. Music by Haydn, Mozart, Mendelssohn (17.30).
Teatro dell'Opera - Concerti dello Spirito. Concert by the Orchestra del Teatro dell'Opera conducted by Gianluigi Gelmetti, with Michele Campanella piano, Cecilia Gasdia, Daniela Barcellona, Massimo Giordano, Giorgio Sur...
21 Dec 2003. Santa Claus will be at the Mel Giannino Stoppani bookshop telling stories and hearing what books his young friends want for Christmas (16.00).
21 Dec 2003. A Christmas-themed workshop at Rome's zoological museum, organised by HM Language School and the Cooperative Myosotis. Children will create their own Christmas tree and play games that teach them about langu...
22 and 23 Dec 2003. An exploration of Toulouse Lautrec's work for children aged 6-12. On Mon they will visit the Calcografia Nazionale to learn about the techniques used by the artist, followed by a workshop. On Tues the...
22 Dec 2003-6 Jan 2004. Rome's children's museum is organising "winter camps" for kids during the school holidays. Parents can leave children at the museum 07.30-16.30, where they will be entertained with games, workshop...
19 Dec 2003. Presentation of a new book on the church of S. Andrea della Valle, best know as the setting for the first act of Puccini's Tosca. The comprehensive history is by Alba Costamagna, Daniele Ferrara and Cecilia...
Concert by soloists of the Orchestra del Teatro dell'Opera. Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle (21.00). S. Lorenzo in Lucina, Piazza S. Lorenzo in Lucina.
18 Dec 2003-28 March 2004. Exhibition about how the discovery of DNA has affected Italy, and the contributions of Italian researchers to its development.
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Guides certified by the Italian Cycling Federation (FCI) organize excursions to MTB in Rome but also outside Rome and in the neighboring regions. Bike Better Tours Asd.