La Traviata 27-30 Dec 2003. Rigoletto by Verdi. 3-6 Jan 2004. With the Orchestra Sinfonica Giovanile di Roma conducted by Francesco La Vecchia, directed by Paolo Panizza/Otello Camponeschi, with Angela Gheorghiu, Milena...
12 Dec-20 Feb 2004. Illustrazioni, Vedute e Capricci di Roma e audiomontaggio presents the work of three DaimlerChrysler scholarship holders at the Casa di Goethe, whose different views of the Eternal City are expressed...
14 Dec 2003. Handels "Messiah", performed by the choir of St Pauls within-the-Walls and the Nova Amadeus orchestra, conducted by Laura Simionato (19.00).
Representatives from over 100 voluntary associations will be in Piazza Farnese Fri 12-Sun 14 Dec to promote their activities and recruit new members. "Natale di Solidariet: aiutare chi aiuta" is organised by the city cou...
21 Dec 2003. Join the choir of St Paul's within-the-Walls for carols in the Viminale area. Carollers will meet at the church at 15.30 for a quick rehearsal, and then tour the surrounding streets.
21, 23 Dec 2003. The rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar" by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice is being performed by students of the Istituto Massimiliano Massimo (the Jesuit school in Rome), and the Students Association f...
13, 24 Dec 2003. This year's Christmas concert at the Vatican will once again feature big names from around the world, including soul music legend Solomon Burke, Italian singer Gianni Morandi, ex-Boyzone frontman Ronan K...
8 Dec 2003-6 Jan 2004. Rome's most famous Christmas fair includes stalls selling toys and decorations, a nativity scene (presepio) by the Association of the Friends of the Presepio, and a merry-go-round.
Until 6 Jan 2004. The biggest festive fair in Rome, with stalls selling toys, Christmas decorations and sweets, and featuring a merry-go-round and a large nativity scene made by the Association of the Friends of the Pres...
15 Dec 2003. A presentation of "Di proprio pugno. Autobiografie di emigranti italiani in Argentina e Brasile" by Camilla Cattarulla, and "L'invenzione di un Medioevo americano. Rappresentazioni moderne del passato coloni...
16 Dec 2003. A concert to present the CD "Astor Piazzolla", recorded by the Argentinian pioneer of "new tango" in the auditorium at the Istituto Italo-Latino Americano in 1972. "Cuartetango", featuring Giuliano Bisceglia...
16-20 Dec 2003. An exhibition of the work of nine artists, including Jordan Baseman, a film-maker whose interest is the human condition; Simon McBride, who describes himself as a painter who rarely paints; and Nell, who...
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Guides certified by the Italian Cycling Federation (FCI) organize excursions to MTB in Rome but also outside Rome and in the neighboring regions. Bike Better Tours Asd.