Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
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7 Nov . This is the Rome premiere of Bach is in the Air. Ramin Bahrami, who was given a scholarship in Italy after his family fled Iran after the fall of the Shah, is passionate about Bach. Danilo Rea is a jazz pianist...
1 Nov. Below is a list of the highlights of the seventh day of the Rome Film Fest which runs until 5 November.Five films from the official selection: Logan Lucky by Steven Soderbergh, Scotty and the Secret History of Hol...
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Wanted in Rome's ultimate guide to the best events and things to do in Rome this month.1 Nov. November begins with a new Bernini exhibition at Galleria Borghese.2 Nov. Embrace 1970s funk with a concert by Kool & The...
31 Oct. Below is a list of the highlights of the sixth day of the Rome Film Fest which runs until 5 November.The cult writer Chuck Palahniuk takes to the stage for a Close Encounter titled American Gothic at 17.30.Carlo...
10 Sept-12 Nov. The 11th edition of this two-month contemporary arts festival features more than 40 performances of theatre, dance and music, distributed in nine different venues around Rome.  Recognised as an open spac...
4 Nov.  Isabelle Faust, violin, and Kristian Bezuidenhout, harpsichord, play five Bach sonatas. The Guardian has written of Faust: “Where other violinists dazzle, Faust is a thinker,” and conductor Daniel Harding has d...
31 Oct-5 Nov. Giobbe Covatta presents La Divina Commediola, an apocryphal but fun version of Dante's epic work in which purgatory and heaven don't make the cut. In Italian. 
2 Nov. The celebrated Spanish architect, structural engineer, sculptor and painter Santiago Calatrava will take part in an encounter with the public at the French Academy in Villa Medici on Thursday 2 November at 20.30....
5-26 Nov. Cine Detour, the art-house cinema in Monti, celebrates its 20th anniversary with the fifth edition of its On The Road Film Festival over three weeks in November. The festival is devoted to the best independent...
9-26 Nov. Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio interprets Don GiovanniThis new work by the Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio, which was commissioned by the Accademia Fillarmonica Romana for this year's Nuits de Fourviere festival in...
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Well-known Roman street artist Alice Pasquini has completed a new mural in the eastern Casilino suburb. The work was created in collaboration with the Casale Garibaldi association and can be found on Via Romolo Balzani 8...
27 Oct-5 March. The prestigious Accademia Nazionale di S. Luca presents House of Words, an exhibition of works by Jim Dine, the American exponent of Pop Art and the Neo-Dada movement. The exhibition celebrates Dine's...
  30 Nov. Below is a list of the highlights of the fifth day of the Rome Film Fest which runs until 5 November. Director, actor, producer, spectator and festival juror Nanni Moretti is the protagonist of a Close Enco...
The Pontifical Irish College in Rome will once again be staging a play on St Patrick's Day on 17 March next year. The performance will be an adaptation of Brian Friel's Making History, which tells the story of Hugh O'Nei...
7 Oct-11 Nov. Galleria Rosso20sette presents an exhibition of limited edition prints by celebrated American graphic artist and social activist Shepard Fairey. The show opens at 18.00 on 7 October. For more details see w...
Blood drive being organised by Marsha De Salvatore. Marsha De Salvatore, known to many expats as the co-founder of Rome's Comedy Club, is organising a blood drive at S. Eugenio hospital in EUR on Saturday 4 November,...
26 Oct-5 Nov. The Incontri Ravvicinati (Close Encounters) section of the upcoming Rome Film Fest features leading international and Italian figures from the world of cinema. Wanted in Rome publishes the full list below.2...
2 Nov. A monthly session of Old-Time and Bluegrass music takes place every first Thursday of the month at the Chakra bar in Trastevere from 21.00-23.45. For video and more details see Facebook event page Old-Time &am...
English language cinema in Rome.27 Oct-1 Nov. A group of bullied kids unites to confront a shapeshifting demon, who poses as a clown, as it begins to hunt children.Based on the Stephen King horror story, directed by Andy...
27 Oct-9 Dec. MAC Maja Arte Contemporanea shows the work of French artist Pierre-Yves Le Duc in Rome for the first time. Le Duc is known for his monumental site-specific installations featuring light boxes, canvases and...
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