Ambrit  1920 x 116
Ambrit  1920 x 116
Ambrit  1920 x 116
Marymount - International School Rome
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Wonderwall Entertainment presents two one act plays by Harold Pinter. Celebration is directed by Shelagh Stuchberry and The Room is directed by Michael Fitzpatrick. Both productions will be in English. 29 April-...
The opening opera in the Festival Maggio Musicale is conducted as always by Zubin Metha. It is a new production directed by Stefan Poda. Wagner's Tristan und Isolde contains all the favourite themes of the Romantic perio...
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Stomp. 2-4 Dec. The hugely successful Brighton-born percussion group brings the disorder and nonsense of everyday life to the stage with its rhythmic stomping of ordinary instruments such as metal lids, brooms, matchboxe...
Supreme Team meet House:SATURDAY NIGHT@zen disco summer in Roma by night*Ladies free&guys reduction till in V.I.P list
29 April 2007. Concert by the Benedictine Church Choir from the US. Sacred music programme (21.00).
Ambrit 1400 x 360