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Supreme Team meet House:SATURDAY NIGHT@zen disco summer in Roma by night*Ladies free&guys reduction till 01.am in V.I.P list
29 April 2007. Concert by the Benedictine Church Choir from the US. Sacred music programme (21.00).
The Wanted Network
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Acorn International Summer School June 9 - July 25 - English Teachers Wanted
AIS is seeking motivated english language teachers for our Summer School Program. Please send your CV to frontoffice@acornhouse.school with availability.
Srilankan male housekeeper, Driver and carer
Experienced carer for old age, housekeeping with driving licence, since 2003 he has been working in Rome, looks for a full-time live-in job, good reference. Contact. 3346140595....
Luxurious 2 bedrooms in Via della Vite
Discover a luxurios apartment for ret on Via della Vite just steps from Spanish Steps. Located on second floor of an elegant historic building with congierge service and lift.
Acorn International School is seeking a dedicated Early Years Teaching Assistant for an immediate start to cover maternity leave. The ideal candidate will have experience working w...