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Romaeuropa Festival: Digital Life

7 Oct-7 Jan. The Romaeuropa Festival presents the eighth edition of its futuristic section Digital Life, which examines the interaction between visual arts and technology, at Palazzo delle Esposizioni for the first time. 

AES+F. Still da Allegoria Sacra. Terza parte di The Liminal Space Trilogy.

Digital Life 2017 features six installations, talks and performances as well as the KizArt platform for children and a selection of video works from Geneva's Biennale de l’Image en Mouvement. 

Jean Michel Bruyère / LFKs. Still da La dispersion du fils.

Digital Life is a highlight of the 32nd edition of the multidisciplinary Romaeuropa Festival whose action-packed programme features contemporary dance, theatre, art, technology and music, under the title Where are we now? 

For full details see Romaeuropa website.
6 Nations 2025
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