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Marymount - International School Rome

Rome Chamber Music Festival

26-30 June. The festival, now in its 13th year, takes place in the majestic setting of the Salone Pietro da Cortona at Palazzo Barberini.

The programme features 50 musicians playing classical and contemporary chamber music. Two highlights this year are a multi-media theatrical presentation of Stravinsky's Histoire du soldat directed by Enrico Stinchelli (29 June) and Mike Mills of the band R.E.M who will perform his new composition Concerto for violin, rock band and string quintet (30 June) dedicated to the festival's director and violinist Robert McDuffie.

There is also a programme for 26 specially selected young musicians who will be coached by the festival's guess artists. The first evening of music on 26 June is by invitation only but the programme is repeated the following evening.

For the full programme see www.romechamberfestival.org. Palazzo Barberini, Via delle Quattro Fontane 13.

General Info

Address Palazzo Barberini, Via delle Quattro Fontane 13

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Rome Chamber Music Festival

Palazzo Barberini, Via delle Quattro Fontane 13

Aur 724x450
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6 Nations 25
Marymount - International School Rome