Rome's Botanical Gardens.
These were once the gardens of the Palazzo Corsini, and they have some of the rarest and most beautiful trees in Europe. Highlights include the Mediterranean succulents near the entrance, an avenue of palms, orchids in glasshouses, ancient euphorbias, an excellent cactus collection and a rock garden containing mountain flowers from the Apennines and other ranges in Europe and Africa.
The garden is part of Rome's La Sapienza University.
Remember to take an identity document which you may have to show it to get in.
Mon - Sat 09.00 - 18.30. Sun closed Sun, holidays and August. The greenhouses are open from 09.00 - 12.30 Tickets cost 4 adults, reduced (under 12 and over 60) 2
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Rome's Botanical Gardens.
Orto Botanico. Largo Cristina di Svezia 24, 00165 Rome. For information and guided group tours tel. 0649917106, fax 06 49917108
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