Rome's Comedy Club presents its Libertation Day show on Friday 25 April at 20.00.
The MC for the evening is Marsha De Salvatore, and the show's line-up comprises Liz Knight, Michael Monkhouse, Francesco De Carlo, Gabriel Gougsa and Ryan Costello.
The event's special guest is folk rag band No Funny Stuff. The show takes place at Skené where, in addition to comedy, the audience can enjoy restaurant service and seating.
Show begins at 20.00, and guests are advised to reserve in advance.
For more details including price of show (and dinner) as well as booking, see RCC website or Facebook event page or tel. 065755561 or 3921505171.
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Rome's Comedy Club
Skené ristorante/teatro, Via Francesco Carletti 5 (beside Metro Piramide)