Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
Temple ASAP


Rome's Comedy Club at Grotta Pinta Lounge, Via Grotta Pinta 12 - 00186 Rome (Campo de' Fiori), the last Friday of each month. Last show before Summer break 24 June. Season starts again October.

Show starts at 9pm for 1.5 hours of 7-8 performers doing sketch, stand-up or joke-telling, hosted by an MC. A mix of regulars and first-time performers. Usually after the show there is a funk band called Eddie And The Hot Rocks.

Entrance fee is

General Info

Address For information visit www.romescomedyclub.tumblr.com, find us on Facebook: Romes Comedy Club, or call Marsha De Salvatore 338 / 4313158.

View on Map


For information visit www.romescomedyclub.tumblr.com, find us on Facebook: Romes Comedy Club, or call Marsha De Salvatore 338 / 4313158.

Marymount - International School Rome
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