Sant Joan (Feast of Saint John)
23-24 June 2005.
Taking place on the summer solstice Saint Johns Day celebrations offer a magical opportunity to experience some of this famous Spanish/Christian festival. Throughout the country bonfires spring up all over on St. John's Eve with Barcelona and the Catalonia region taking the festivities particularly seriously on this, the official Catalonia National Day. People empty out onto the streets to take part in the parties called verbenas where people exchange a special herb, eat the seasonal cake called cocas and spot people dressed as witches. There are huge impressive fireworks displays in most parts of Barcelona while bonfires literally light up on very street corner throughout the city. Hailing back to pagan times people wash their hair in fresh water on the solstice in the hope that the days uniqueness will make it grow thicker and healthier.
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Sant Joan (Feast of Saint John)
Throughout the Barcelona and Catalonia region.
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